Chapter 36: "You're Fucking Beautiful..."

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WARNING: 21+ content in this chapter, the Yoonmin smut almost everyone voted for.

Yoongi's POV

After the long tiring day, I finally noticed that Hoseok didn't show up at work at all, I called him and he told me that he wasn't feeling well

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After the long tiring day, I finally noticed that Hoseok didn't show up at work at all, I called him and he told me that he wasn't feeling well. But I hell know that he was with GA JR since I heard a female voice, it was definitely her.

"Um, Yoongi Bear..." Jimin entered our shared room and leaned against the door frame. I quickly turned to him and furrowed my eyebrows as I saw how he was blushing but with a sad expression on his face. What was wrong?

"Mochi, Baby, come here," I patted my lap and he slowly made his way to me and sat on my lap. "What's wrong Mochi?"

"Am I... attractive?" he asked.

That took me off guard and almost speechless, where did all of this come from? "Mochi, my baby, why are you asking this?"

"Can we talk?" he shyly looked into my eyes and I nodded, full of concern.

"What is it Mochi?" I asked him as I wrapped my arms securely around his waist and brought him closer to me.

"I... I..." he started to blush so hard and I smiled at his cuteness. Gosh, why is he so fucking cute?

"You what Mochi?" I whispered.

"H-how do gay people m-make love?" he asked.

My heart skipped a beat and I started to blush so hard that I think I might be a real tomato by now. But something in my gut told me that he bumped into Namjoon and he was trying to corrupt his innocent mind. He blushed and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that..." he muttered.

I calmed down and pulled him away from me a little to see his face, I put both of my hands on his face. I think it's time to treat him like he is, my lover, not my child that I care about. He is asking this because he thinks he is not good enough? Is that why he asked if he was attractive? He looked at me for a split of a second and then looked down at his lap.

"Jimin..." I gave him a little glare and he looked up at me since I normally call him Mochi and not his real name.

"Y-Yes...?" he looked shyly at me.

I smashed my lips with his own and I leaned back on the couch of my bedroom. Holy and Spots were outside, so that was good, I don't want our children to see us. I kissed him roughly, not softly and lovingly like I used to.

I need him to see how precious and gorgeous he is in my eyes, why the hell does his insecurities and his mind have to play him dirty? I bit his lower lip and he let out a moan.

"Did that answer your question?" I looked deep into his eyes, he was flustered but he smiled. "It's not that I don't find you attractive Jimin-ah. You have no idea how much I have to restrain myself to not force you to do something you feel uncomfortable with. I wanna show you just how much Iove you but... I'm so scared of hurting you. You have gone through so much, I don't wanna be another pain to you. I... I just want you to be comfortable enough to let me touch you the way I have been dying to do. But I'm just... scared that my wild and dark side might scare you off."

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