Chapter 5: Doctor HyunDae Woo

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Yoongi's POV

I had the folder in hand, my new identity, my fake certificate and recommendations and the phone numbers where the offices of Taehyung and Namjoon

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I had the folder in hand, my new identity, my fake certificate and recommendations and the phone numbers where the offices of Taehyung and Namjoon. I gulped down the saliva in my mouth as I casually and formally walked to the entrance and wore my mask that I always wear: my emotionless face.

I walked to the Secretary in the front and asked. "Excuse me Lady, but I have a job interview here. They told me that I needed to go to Mr. DeValt's Office. Can you please tell me where that is?"

She looked at me up and down but stuck her eyes on my lips. I sighed, Not only maniacs but perverts as well. Amazing, what's next? Sexual harassment?

"Excuse me," I waved my hand in her face and she got out of her trance.

"Third door at the left," she pointed and I nodded, making my way to the room.

I felt my guts turning inside me, sure, it has been a month since Taehyung and I have been studying Psychology, the kiddo did an amazing job at teaching me, now I think that I'm starting to be like him, analyzing everyone that I encounter. I am more aware of their physical attitude and read their body language.

I normally ignore those, but now I can't avoid but notice everything about these people. It's disturbing how I can read them more clearly now, and dammit Namjoon, I think I'm gonna puke if I'm in here for too fucking long.

I heard screams from a far distance, I felt a small shiver run down my spine. God, who knows what the hell these people do to these insane people.

I knocked on the door and a high pitched voice told me to enter. I gulped down my nervousness and wore my mask again, hiding my anxiety and my nervousness in front of this lady. She looked like in her early 50s, some gray hairs started to show in her black hair. She wore rounded glasses and she pulled them down when she saw me.

"Damn, so many people are going to have a hard time in here," she bit her bottom lip.

Fucking whore, don't you fucking touch me with your filthy ass hands, I thought to myself but bowed and saluted her with respect. "Good morning ma'am. I'm Doctor HyunDae Woo and I would like to work here. I heard that we get paid well here."

"I think you will be paid extra here, pretty boy," she smirked.

Shameless piece of shit, I cursed at her internally but kept my face blank. "With all my respect ma'am, but I would like to be paid like the first people who got here earlier. I want to make it fair for everyone, then maybe, you can increase my payment."

"Wow, manners I see," she chuckled and then held her hand out for my folder and I gave it to her. She scanned through my review that Namjoon made for me and nodded her head here and there. "Seems good, you majored in Psychology, that's really good. Well then, I need to ask you this sir. But will you be willing to take care of someone special to us?"

I nodded my head, "Sure thing, ma'am, what's this person?"

"His name is Park Jimin, we need a new doctor for him. He has been behaving badly and I think you would help him to behave, do what you must in order to get him to behave please," she told me and handed me back my folder. "Here, you might want to know some things about him in order to understand him." she pushed a folder to me and I took it.

"Thank you, ma'am, I will do as you have told me. Anything else?" I asked.

"Be careful with him, he's dangerous, that's why we run frequent experiments with him," she told me.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"Why don't you go to his room and check it out yourself?" she asked.

"Alright, I'll go now, if you need anything else, just call me," I told her and she nodded with that smirk on her face.

After I left the room, I sighed heavily and looked at the folder she gave me, I checked in which room he was in and went there. What I saw made me shake a little.

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