Chapter 28: Was It You...?

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Yoongi's POV

I know I should be used to this by now but

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I know I should be used to this by now but... why does my heart skip a beat when I see Jimin cuddling with me? Why can't I get over the fact that we're finally official? All this time together and I'm still not used to him being with me. His aunt and uncle didn't want him to live with them since they only had one small room for his little brother in which their son used to be in.

I told them that we would visit the weekends in order for Jimin to catch up with his little brother. His little brother is going to marry a beautiful girl in which we got the chance to meet. Her name is Jennie, she was very kind and nice. But she predicted something before even I got the chance to say. She whispered to me that she thought we were a cute couple. I guess she was right, even Namjoon and Jin teased me. Taehyung and Jungkook have been hanging out a lot, and to be honest, I'm glad to see them together. Now they hold hands and joke around one another. Hoseok on the other hand, he seems to be having a hard time to decide who he loves more. GA JR or Jisoo.

"It's hard Hyung, I don't wanna hurt Jisoo but I wanna be with GA JR. How can I be with one without hurting the other one?" he put his head on his hands as he fake cry.

"But answer me this, when you're with JR, does your heart race?" I asked him as I was eating my Ramyeon Jimin made for me in the early morning.

"Yes," he blushed and hid his face.

"Now then, how does your heart reach when you see Jisoo?" I asked.

"It's not the same when I'm with JR, with her it's just calm and happy to see her, but nothing more hyung," he told me.

"Then break up with her and tell her that it didn't work out," I told him and he lifted his head up with an annoyed expression.

"I promised her I would stay with her," he protested.

"Promises are made to be broken, and besides, it's not like you'll abandon her. You can still stay with her as a friend, nothing more," I rolled my eyes at him.

"You make it sound so easy," he grunted.

"Because it is headass," I lightly smacked his head and he flinched.

"Yah! That hurt you idiot!" he told me.

"I wasn't even rough..." I squinted my eyes at him.

"Oh, but with Jimin you are rough, eh?" he grinned.

I glared at him, "I haven't touched him like that you horny ass."

"Why haven't you? You guys have been dating for a month now," he pointed out.

"I just... I just don't wanna force him into doing something he feels uncomfortable. I'm okay with just kisses and playful things with him. He makes me smile and whenever he looks at me I can't help but smile like an idiot," I started to blush and I covered my face with my hands.

"Sort of like Taehyung and Jungkook?" he pointed behind me, and I turned to look at Jungkook feeding Taehyung and Taehyung doing the same thing while the both of them laughed.

"Sort of like them," I chuckled. "But I doubt Jungkook could resist Taehyung, you have seen how Taehyung teases him! Those two need to get a room when they start to get naughty!" I pretended to be disgusted and Hoseok laughed.

"You're so mean to them! Let them be, they are in love after all!" Hoseok told me. "But I agree with you, the way those two teases each other, it's obvious that they already explored one another."

"Pretty much," I said while picking up noodles and feeding myself.

"Who do you think is submissive, Jungkook or Taehyung?" he suddenly asked and the thought of it just made me choke on my own noodles. Hoseok was surprised and smacked my back.

"BABO! I'm eating! RESPECT MY EATING TIME! Now look at what you made me do, I spilled some of Mochi's Home-made soup!" I grunted as I wiped my suit.

"But Yoongi, be honest, if Jimin asked you to do him, would you do it?" he asked me and I started to blush so hard that there was no spot for my white skin. I was so red and embarrassed.

I grabbed his collar and glared at him, "That's none of your business and for us two to keep it in between us. Not to be shared with some horny horse like you!" I let go of his collar and he chuckled.

"Geez, it was just a question," he told me.

"A personal question..." I glared at him.

That question still lingered in my mind. The question Hoseok asked me. I looked at Jimin and studied his beautiful features for the thousandth time since we've started to sleep together.

Would I have done it if you asked me? But... what if I hurt you? I don't ever want to hurt you, you have been through so much in order to deal with me. I don't wanna hurt you, so I guess I'll have to wait until it's the right time. You're so fucking precious Mochi, please, don't let my selfishness hurt you in any way, I thought as I saw his peaceful sleeping face.

He smiled in his sleep and I smiled at his cuteness. What are you dreaming of my love? Is it a good dream? You deserve a good dream, you're doing really well my love. Thank you for taking care of the house and Holly meanwhile I'm out working. Thank you for always doing your best effort when cooking for me. You always put the tablet on the counter meanwhile you cook my Dinner and Lunch for the next day.

You even cut yourself once when you were cutting the vegetables and still told me not to worry because it was normal to be hurt while cooking. That's when I took my weekends to teach you how to cook without hurting yourself, and you're doing really well.

How did I find an angel like you? You even started to open up about your life in school. How you were bullied, and what disturbed me was how it reminded me of that boy who was bullied in school. I felt something sick in my heart when you told me what they did to you. I'm glad you're with me now, I can protect you now. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. You even told me you went to the same school as I did, you even described someone who looked like me.

You told me he didn't treat you like the rest of the ones in school, he was laid off but he would always notice how much trouble you had getting up and that he would guide you to the Nurses office but you never got his name. You were too scared that because of you, he would be bullied too.

But that just reminds me, I used to do that, but was that really me? Were you the same boy that I used to help when I was a freshman? Were you that little middle schooler? Was it you... Park Jimin?

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