Chapter 25: "We're Leaving... Now."

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Jisung's POV

Shit, shit, shit

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Shit, shit, shit. She found my plans of running away from her. If she dares to try something to hurt my wife Miu, I swear I will not struggle to rip her throat out of that pretty throat of hers.

All this time, I have been a total dick to my own wife. Not because I wanted to, but because her family in total don't want her. Her siblings are spoiled brats, yeah, rich family and all, but all of this arranged marriage was bullshit from the very beginning.

True, I hated the idea of being married to someone who I didn't love at first, but after being with her for 3 years. I slowly fell in love with her for as quick as for 3 months of our marriage. I could tell from her expressions that her smile was forced.

The worst part? Her sister wanted her to suffer more than she already has. Being an idol's wife is not easy. Especially if you have to be their makeup artist. Yeah, she's my makeup artist. That's how we met. She was new and nice, I liked her. She didn't see me like some sasaeng fans did. She actually had casual talks with me. She was so chill and relaxed. That made me fond of her. We used to be friends until her family knew who's makeup she was doing.

Somehow, they took a picture of her doing my makeup, and because of her stunning beauty, people started to threaten her. I must admit, I felt angry with those people threatening her to make her life a living hell. My first instinct was to protect her, but Taeyong told me that it would make things a lot harder for her.

I had to step down and try to pretend that everything was fine. But really, I was burning up with rage just putting that fucking smile on my face because I didn't want her to struggle more than before. What made things escalate? Her family thought it would have been an amazing idea to make a deal with my parents' company and help them grow.

Of course, my parents knew who she was by then. She just wasn't another makeup artist, but a Ceo's daughter. Of course, I was famous, well-known. But my father's vanity to gain more popularity on his clothes brand got the best of him and agreed to have this arranged marriage.

Miu broke down in tears once she heard the news. I saw it all, I saw how much pain was in her face. It broke me into smaller pieces. I wanted to be good to her because she was good to me. We used to be friends, but since then, she started to be all gloomy and not returning a smile to me.

"Act cold with her... or else," he sister once threaten me when she found the news. She liked me, but she was way too different from Miu. She was... no offense but bitchy. Thinking she was the best because she was always on point in style and on makeup things as well as looking like those expensive ass people on the street.

I didn't like her at all, all the opposite, I hate her. She's the reason why I changed with Miu, she's the reason why I hid my feelings towards Miu. She hates Miu, just because she gets attention and has an aura that really no one possesses. Miu has that kind of force to drag you in without her or you even realizing it.

These 3 years we've been married, and 5 years knowing each other... That liking I had for her became stronger. She was a good wife and took really good care of me. She's 2 years younger than me, but it's enough to take care of someone like me. She always makes sure I eat well. I once fainted, and she was worried. When they took me to the emergency room, I saw the worry in her eyes.

Did she love me back? I don't think so. Whenever she did something for me, I was always cold. I hate myself for being afraid of her siblings. Those spoiled brats are dangerous. They have money, they can easily buy people and make them hurt Miu and our child Alondra.

I was more afraid now because now I had a strong reason to protect her, she's the mother of my child. My first born child. My princess and my baby girl who is now 2 years old. Miu doesn't know, but I assigned another contract with SM. That I would still be in NCT Dream, but working as the Music Composer and for them to never reveal where I'm going to live.

I searched for 1 entire year for places to hide. I decided New Zealand, not only is it going to be a lovely place to raise Alondra, but it will also allow me to express myself to Miu fully without any barriers. I can romance her the way a true man should and make her fall for me for real this time.

I want to see my wife smile. I want to make her happy and not hide her tears when she thinks I don't care. I hurt her enough, I think it's time to move away and start a new chapter in our lives. To revive that friendship and aflame the passion and romance in our lives. She has asked for a divorce 3 times this year, I don't want my marriage to go down the hill just because of my past mistakes. I want to fix what seems to be unfixable.

I won't give up, I know that I can make her change her mind. I know that I can get to her once more. I know that I can reach and touch her heart. I won't struggle anymore, once we're safe in New Zealand, I swear from the bottom of my heart that I will fix my mistakes and tell her everything. I know I fucked up, but I want her, only her.

I want us to be happy, I want to grow old beside her, I want to show her just how much I've been holding back. I want to feel her once more. And this time, I won't make her drink to the point where she doesn't know who I am. I want her to enjoy it this time, I want a son for my daughter, I want a family with her.

I have everything packed, things in this old house will stay put, I bought new furniture and new things for her and our daughter. I have everything ready just for her to bust into the door and bless me with her sight once more. I have Alondra in my arms sleeping. Gosh, she has her cute features. I want her to be a little princess forever, I don't wanna give her away to some dude, she is my daughter.

But something still bothers me... she called me by some name... someone named GA JR on our honeymoon.

Who the hell is GA JR?

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