Chapter 33: The Truth Untold

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Yoongi's POV

Yoongi's POV

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"So... it doesn't hurt anymore?" I asked her.

"Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt anymore..." she stretched her arms and she cracked her back and neck.

"So, it worked?" Taeyong asked her.

She nodded, "It sure did!"

Jimin giggled and hugged her, "I'm just very happy you're not in pain anymore!"

She chuckled at him and hugged him back, "It's good to be off of that fucking bed once more."

"How do you feel? Anything weird?" Taeyong asked as he picked up his pen and put it on his pad.

"I feel more flexible, more energetic?" she started to punch the air repeatedly. It was so quick that our eyes couldn't catch up with her movement.

"Anything else?" Taeyong asked.

"My brain feels more open, more active? I don't know how to describe the eerie feeling. But I hope that this is just a few adjustments, you know, I don't wanna freak out if something weird does happen out of nowhere," she told him as she sat down on her Hospital bed.

Hoseok then slammed the door, hitting me behind my back and I bumped into Jimin as he caught me and poted at Hoseok as he then came in like a wrecking ball, knocking me down.

"Yah! My back you horse face!" I yelled at him.

"Yoongi, would you not yell? You almost made me deaf- Wait... why did it hurt when you yelled at him?" she crashed her eyebrows together.

Taeyong scribbled something on his pad.

"How are you even standing? IS your hip not inju-"

"They injected the shot 30 minutes ago, I feel much better," she interrupted him.

Jimin lifted me up and helped me to stand up, "Well, it hurts your eardrums you say?"

She looked at me and nodded, "Indeed, it hurt so much," she pouted.

"Side effects?" Hoseok looked at her and he scanned her and put his hands on her face.

She nodded, "I can even see your pores."

I started to crack up as he gasped and covered his face. Jimin joined me with Taeyong. Ash arrived with a cup of water and new clothes for GA JR to change to.

"Seems like someone feels much better," Ash shook her head at the smiling dork GA JR and handed her the glass of water and gave her the clothes on her other hand as she gulped down her glass water.

She sighed in relief, "Ah, you bet I am."

We all chuckled at her childish behavior. After some tests and questions, we found out something that was either good or bad, GA JR's genes have been altered. Her eyesight was sharper, her sense of smell was better than all of us, her reflexes were better, she was faster, and her sharp teeth were somewhat sharper than before. Her pale skin looked like snow white skin. Her eyes... that was the creepy part, they changed color in the dark. But also at her sudden mood swings.

What surprises me is that she can do the splits like it's nothing. Jimin did it with her and I never felt chills down my spine until now.

I didn't have time to hide my shocked expression and Hoseok took this chance to take a picture and I blinked when the flash hit my eyes hard.

"Yah, idiot, I was not ready!" I hit his arm as he laughed his ass off with Ash.

"That's the best picture when you're taken off guard!" Hoseok said and he saved the picture.

I grunted and Jimin and GA JR got off the floor and Jimin wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

"You're such a dork," he told me.

"Only your dork though," I chuckled and he blushed.

"Why right now?" he said as he covered his face on my shoulder and the crook of my neck.

"You guys are so cute that one day I think I'll die out of cuteness overdose," Ash told us.

"Couldn't agree more," GA JR high fived her.

"But you know who is cuter than them?" Hoseok smiled at her.

"Hoseok, no-"

"US!" he lifted her up and swept her off of her feet and kissed her lips in the process.

"Ewww, you two go get a room!" I jokingly said and GA JR hit Hoseok's chest lightly.

"I wasn't ready you pabo! What if I hit you and made you bleed?!" she snapped at him as he pulled away.

"Well then, I rather be hit by you then by anyone else," he told her.

"You two and your sexual tension," Ash shook her head and Jimin and I burst out laughing at them as they both looked at Ash with such a shook face that they started to get red like tomatoes.

"ASH-SSI!" GA JR threw her pillow at her and Ash laughed it off as she blocked the pillow.

"It's true though," Taeyong nodded. "All this time you guys have been alone, you two seem to be needing something from one another."

"Oh my God, I'm surrounded by perverted people," GA JR muttered as she turned her face away from us.

"But I'm your favorite perverted asshole," Hoseok told her and she blushed really hard.

"Will you keep your pretty mouth shut?!" she threatened with a fist up and he smirked.

"There's only one way to shut my mouth, sexy lady," he teased her.

"JUNG HOSEOK! IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP I WILL HIT YOU!" she yelled at him and we all heard our eardrums ringing afterward.

"Okay, enough with this, I came here rushing for something extremely important. I wouldn't just barge in and not say something important," Hoseok suddenly got serious and the happy mood suddenly went dark.

"What is it?" I asked him.

He looked at GA JR, "You have to be very careful from now on. Your once best friend Jisoo was a fake friend, she was the one who told me that you died. But now she told me something that now made me realize that she was the one who made you go to that place in the first place."

"What...?" GA JR looked at him in disbelief.

"She was so jealous of you that... when she had the chance to get rid of you, she didn't think twice about getting rid of you. GA JR, please, just please... be careful from now on. Okay?" he held her face and brought her closer to him.

"Hoseok, I don't think Jisoo will be coming anywhere near her anymore. I noticed that she stayed back when she came with you to visit GA JR, but now, my suspicions were right," Taeyong spoke.

"But... what led her to burst out the truth?" I asked, processing the new information.

"I... I broke up with her. She slapped me, which explains why I have a somewhat red cheek. That's when she spilled the whole truth, I had to come back here once more to tell you guys. I couldn't just pretend that everything would be okay and nothing else would happen. But just in case, I want you all to know. Which is good, because if something does happen, we already know who it was," Hoseok looked at every one of us in the eye.

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