Chapter 8: Issues

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Jimin's POV

"Ahhh!" I hissed as he was cleaning my wounds with alcohol, "That hurts you jerk! You pressed a little too hard!"

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"Ahhh!" I hissed as he was cleaning my wounds with alcohol, "That hurts you jerk! You pressed a little too hard!"

"Well, if it weren't for the dry blood, maybe I wouldn't have to press hard," he slightly smacked my shoulder and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you done yet?" I asked for the 5th time in one minute.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, done! I just need to put bandages around the bite marks and then put some ointment on the scars for them to heal completely and you're all set. Then maybe we can go grab some food," he told me as if he was my friend.

"Why are you talking like that?" I asked.

"Well, do you prefer me acting like a dick or like a nice person?" he asked me.

"I want you to act like you, stop pretending," I retorted.

"What if I'm not pretending, smartass," I could feel his glare as I lowered my head.

Does he really means it? Does he really care for someone like me? Does he really hate seeing how badly treated we get like he told me a couple of minutes ago? I sighed as he then started to wrap cotton gauze wrap on my forearms and put gauze pads on my scars with the ointment and used the rest of the

cotton gauze wrap to wrap it around me and made sure it wasn't too tight, but a comfortable tightness in order to let me breathe.

"Better?" he asked.

"Better," I nodded and he started to put the things away inside the First Aid Kit. "Can I ask you something?"

He looked up at me as he was putting the ointment inside the box and closed it before he could answer me, "Sure, go ahead."

"Why did you even bother to treat me?" I asked. "I mean, I'm basically a psycho, you should be careful with me the most."

"I believe that even if someone lost their sanity, they deserve the chance to be treated nicely and to recover, believe it or not, I used to go to a psychologist, he helped me a lot. I guess this is just one way to repay him," he looked at me.

"You look too sane for having mental problems," I squinted my eyes at him.

"Well then, now you can see that you can be just like me when you get treated fairly, not like an animal, you're still human, you still have feelings to be taken importance," he told me.

"Well, tell me this then, do I look insane to you?" I asked him.

"No, you actually act like a normal person would, that's why I'm actually asking myself why the hell you're here," he told me.

"Do you seriously wanna know?" I asked, looking down at my lap as I sat cross-legged on my bed.

He put the box aside and sat down in my bed again, facing me, "If it isn't too much to ask, can you please tell me?"

I chuckled darkly, "I'll accept if you think I'm crazy afterward, so don't worry."

"You haven't even started in the first place," he squinted his eyes at me.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you then. I lost my mother when I was younger, she died in a car crash getting me my supplies for art that I needed in school. But... a drunk driver hit her car with his truck and she didn't survive. My father took all his anger on me, he blamed me and abused of my physically, my little brother would end up crying and when father was done releasing his anger on me, he would be taking care of me and clean me with a warm towel and told me to shower with warm water for the inflammations. He was like my mother, very caring and always aware of my well-being. I was surprised he didn't hate me like our father did. He just took care of me when everything was over.

He often spent time searching for ways to cure me without me going to the doctor, he found information on the internet on how to treat bruises, broken ribs, broken arm, broken leg, relief for back pain and for mental traumas. He... he always tried to make things better for me, he was always by my side, that's what prevented me from going insane and kill for once and for all our father. He was the one who worked anyway, I was too young to work. But one day, my little brother stepped out to help me out and... our father started to beat him. Even though I was in pain, I managed to get up to the kitchen and I turned him around to face me.

I cut his cheek and a lot of blood gushed out, I froze for a second but he quickly aimed to choke me so I cut his hand and he screamed in pain. My little brother was knocked out because of the force of his punches on his little head, and once I saw his cut lip and bruises on his face, that made me lose it for once and for all. The next moment, I blacked out, it was as if I just turned into someone else and this person took over me. When I opened my eyes again, he was stabbed a lot of time in the chest, legs, arms, and face. One of his eyes was missing and that's when I looked at myself. I was a bloody mess. When I went to school, it wasn't good either. They knew that my mother died, they started to hurt me in a group, but once I had enough and beat all 12 of them in one go. I got expelled out of school and I guess that is why my father decided to beat me up and my little brother. But it didn't justify his acts against my little brother, he was innocent, he didn't have the fault.

So basically, I beat up my bullies and killed my father that same day. It wasn't much to my surprise, but what surprised me was that I didn't remember when I did those things. It's as if something in me snapped and I just, lost control of my body. So I guess there's two sides of me, a good side and... a bad side."

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