Chapter 10: Understood

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Yoongi's POV

As he finished telling me his story, it surprised me that he stood up for his little brother and not himself

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As he finished telling me his story, it surprised me that he stood up for his little brother and not himself. He sure did went through hell, I can even feel his pain. It must have been hard on him to accept the truth that his mother died and his father and classmates making it worse for him and only his angelic little brother was there for him to bring him comfort. Even I would snap if my father hurt my big brother who has been helping me through my depression and my physical abuse.

"You know, I don't think you're insane; you protected your little brother, that takes a lot of courage. Sure, you went overboard to protect him, but you did what you thought it was right, you stood up for yourself to your bullies even though they outnumbered you. That takes a lot of guts Jiminie, you're really brave," I lightly smacked his shoulder and he frowned.

"Can you not call me Jiminie? I hate that nickname, those idiots who test on me call me that when they are torturing me," he sighed.

"Then, how about I call you... Mochi?" I asked him.

"Mochi?" he was flustered.

"You might seem like you can hurt someone, but really, you're just defending your softness from people who might hurt you, so you put up thick walls and defend that soft side of you. As you have noticed, you still haven't attacked me, so that's a good sign. You might seem scary, but deep inside, you're a caring person. You have a hard time showing that side of you, just like I do sometimes, so it's quite normal to me, I can understand that," I told him.

"But why nickname me after a Japanese treat?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"One, because when you smile genuinely you look cute. Two, your cheeks are squishy so if I were to poke your cheek it would feel soft. But knowing you, you might bite my finger off if I dare to poke your face," I rose one of my eyebrows.

"Damn, you have only spent 3 hours with me and you already know how I act. You're so freaking creepy," he told me.

"Do you like the nickname or do you want another one?" I asked him.

He sighed as he thought about it for awhile, "Mochi is fine, I guess it sort of does suit me."

"Alright then, get used to it, since you don't like Jiminie, then Mochi will be your nickname," I told him.

"Alright," he shrugged.

"Let go, and here," I handed him my doctor coat and he stared at me.

"Why are you giving me your coat?" he asked.

"One, I don't want you to wear that disgusting bloody Straightjacket. Two, you can't go shirtless out of here or else you'll catch a cold," I rolled my eyes at him.

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