Chapter 41: Past

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I think I was having a little bit too much fun putting the fake blood

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I think I was having a little bit too much fun putting the fake blood. I was smiling like a fool at how good I looked. I really can become a makeup artist at some point in life. Because the bruises that I have, they look too real, the bumps in my face which are actually some fake skin that matched my skin tone and was then covered with layers of purple eyeshadow made it look so realistic.

I have to give myself a pat on the back, I did really well. Then Miu came and stared at me in the mirror.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!?!?!!?!" she came rushing to me.

"Yah, relax, this is all makeup," I giggled and she stared at me.

"Makeup?" she rubbed one of my fake bruises and facepalmed herself. "It just... looked so real."

"That's the point," I told her and she stared at me.

"What do you freaking mean?!" she yelled.

"Yoongi hasn't told you?" I asked her.

"The heck? What would he tell me?!" she retorted.

"Tell you that the clone finally agreed on making a plan to backfire against Jisoo and Jooheon?" Iooked at her with innocent eyes.

"She what?!" she looked at me. "How would you know if she is planning to backstab you?!"

"Why would she? And besides, she might be a clone but she's MY clone. I know myself," I told her.

"Yah, GA JR you rea- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?!? Miu, did you beat her up?!" Ash asked as she rushed to my side.

"Holy shit, does it look that real?" I asked Ash.

"The fuck you mean? You're BEATEN UP!? What did you tell Miu so that she would beat the living shit out of you?!" she grabbed my face harshly and I winced at her strength.

"Have you been lifting weights?" I asked her.

"Of course, you little shit, do you think I am a secret agent for nothing?" she glared at me and I flashed her a smile before I giggled nervously. "Ah, so you WERE thinking that, weren't you?!" she grabbed my ear and I laughed a little.

"It's not that, it's just that I always have to be careful around all of you," I explained.

She let go of my ear, "Right, now you're some type of superhuman being now."

I giggled, "And no, Miu didn't beat me up, it's just makeup."

She quickly turned to me, "Well, seems like your makeup skills have gotten better than before."

I giggled and nodded, "Old times Ash." I sighed.

"You still can't believe it that you're still here, huh?" she grinned at me and Miu sat down on a chair.

"I can't help it, I mean... who would have thought that a cadet of the US Navy would have the chance to work with the South Korean Navy? Like... it's crazy. Back then, we both dreamed of being here, in Seoul, and now look at us. We're finally here. We might haven't been able to enjoy Seoul because of our Military duties and job, but here we are, living in South K, just like we used to dream in the past. We met people that changed our lives, we became good friends. We did so many things in such little time, Ash, this is crazy," I shook my head. "It seems like yesterday I was at the lowest rank of all the cadets and then to a traded cadet of the US Navy troops to then work in the South Korean Navy troops. All those years of struggle, all those years we shed tears just to prove what we are worth. It's just... too much to take in if you think about it carefully."

"You're right, it does sound crazy when you put it like that. Not only are we traded people to the Korean Military troops, but we also achieved our dreams. Becoming one of the best in our own job. Even if our duties kept us busy, you're right, we did meet people who changed our lives for the better. And some people for the worst, but we overcame all of our problems and kept on working to survive in here and adapted to the changes that we had to go through. It might have taken us some time, but we have grown so much if you compare our past selves," Ash nodded to herself.

"Not only that but now we have strong connections. You're extremely close to Taeyong, and with the rest as well, but mostly with him. Date already will you, stop being so fucking shy all the fucking time," I teased her and she slapped my arm as I laughed.

"It's also crazy how you guys can speak slang Korean as well, never thought Korean culture would have this much of an effect to you both," Miu commented.

"Well, once you JimIN the Korean culture, you can't JimOUT of it," I said and we all burst out laughing our asses off.

"Jimin will be so mad at you if he heard you," Ash told me.

"Well, my ass, it's not like he's-" I stopped in mid-sentence and put my index finger on my lips to tell them to be quiet. "Actually, Ash, tell us, how are things with you and Taeyong?"

I winked as I slowly got up from my seat and headed to the slightly opened door and Ash grinned.

"Well, everything is going very well, we kissed last night-"

"Are you serious!?! You guys have been so obvious and just last night you guys kissed?! What the fuck is wrong with you Unnie?!" Miu hit Ash with the pillow and I quickly pulled the door revealing a surprised Jimin behind the door and I smirked.

"You know, it's rude to eavesdrop in a Girls convo mate," I grinned and he chuckled while straightening himself and scratching the back of his head.

"Ah, uh, um... The clone is ready, we should head over to put Jisoo in jail!" he quickly said as he then ran off to the hallways and we all laughed at his cuteness.

"I knew I heard someone groaned when I said that pun joke," I said.

"Well damn, be glad he wasn't mad," Miu told me.

"Oh, come on, cut me some slack, it's not like it wasn't funny," I pouted and Ash pinched my cheeks.

"Now look who's being a big baby," she teased.

"Fuck you," I said while pushing her hands off of my face as we all laughed once more.

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