Chapter 42: Payback

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Jisoo's POV

I had to text our clone about our new location and she responded after one hour

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I had to text our clone about our new location and she responded after one hour. I quickly put my phone in my pocket when I received another vibration in my butt pocket and looked at it. It was 1004 again, she told me that she managed to knockout GA JR and that she's heading towards us for me to do whatever I pleased with her since she knew that I hated her.

I was really excited now, not only was the clone done with her mission, but she also brought me the person whom I despise the most. I smiled and Jooheon looked at her in a weird way.

"What's with you? Why are you smiling out of a sudden?" he asked.

"Good news Jooheon, 1004 is bringing GA JR to us!" I told him and he looked shocked, he then rubbed his chin while he muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing, just deep in thought," he told me.

"Oh, why is that? You think that 1004 can't bring me GA JR?" I asked him.

"It's just that... nevermind. Just, how will she manage to bring her here?" he asked me.

"Jooheon, she's a killing machine, we designed her to be like that. Stop doubting my 1004's loyalty towards us," I retorted at him.

"Well, suit yourself, I'm going to go to the nearby store, do you want something?" he asked me as he got up.

"Not really, but a milkshake would do," I told him.

"Alright, I'll bring you your milkshake then," he then headed out and I started to plan out how I wanted to torture GA JR. In the Hospital it wasn't enough for me. I wanted her to feel more pain. What if... what if I cut her open and make her feel the pain while I mess with her organs? Or twisting my blade on her thigh, making an ugly wound and watching her beg for mercy.

My thoughts were getting wild, and I liked that. More gruesome images popped out of my head and then I heard someone entering, it was 1004 with GA JR unconscious filled with bruises on her face and her face was bloody. I liked the view in front of me. I grabbed her by her bangs since she has an undercut and looked at how the blood in her lips dripped down to the ground.

"Good girl 1004, good girl. You did really well, now then, shall we start to have fun?" I asked as I showed her my butterfly blade and she looked at me confused.

"Where is Jooheon Sunbaenim?" she asked.

I sighed, "He went to buy me a milkshake, he won't take long. Now let's go and lay her on the metal table and make sure she does not move."

"Alright Master," she nodded and I smiled as I led her to the metal table and laid her there.

"Now, where should I start with you GA JR? Neck, shoulder, thigh, leg, arm or hand?" I rubbed my chin and I had an idea, I pressed my butterfly blade on her chin and she slapped it out of my hands before I even reacted and 1004  chuckled.

"You're really dumb, you know?" 1004 told me.

"What is this 1004? Why are you doing this?!" I shouted, feeling betrayed by my own creation.

"Did you forget what Jooheon told you? He knew my plan, that's why he decided to ditch you. That's why he excused himself before I even arrived," she smirked and GA JR was now holding my butterfly knife to my neck and slightly pressing it against my skin.

"One move and I swear Jisoo that I will forget that you were once a good friend to me," GA JR glared at me.

"Oh, can I have the knife and do the first cut on her?" 1004 asked excitedly and I looked at her in disbelief.

"Why are you doing this to the person who made you who you are?!" I shouted at her.

"Pfft, as if I'll let a bitch like you to control me once more," she retorted and I felt my blood boil inside me.

"How dare you insult your Master?!" I nearly shouted at her and GA JR pressed my knife stronger this time and I flinched when I felt the cold metal pierce through my skin and send me to go in panic mode.

"Now Jisoo, behave you little bitch," GA JR glared at me. "I need some questions to be answered before I decide what to do with you. Either I let you live... or I'll let you break down until you confess to the questions."

"What is it?" I glared at her.

"First of all, why did you send me there? Why? I thought you were my friend, someone that I could trust," GA JR had a pained expression.

"Do you think that I would have cared if you didn't date my Hoseokie?" I glared at her and she returned the glare.

"He friend zoned you, and you didn't want anyone with him. Couldn't you just have been happy that he found someone who loves and will take care of him just like you did?" she asked me.

I felt my hot tears build up as more people filled the room pointing guns at me and at Jooheon. We both have to give out better versions of us as humans, but she did hit a nerve right there. I wanted to be his everything, not her. Why... just why did he friendzone me and didn't notice my love for him? Why did he chase after her? Why her? Why not me? I'm prettier than her, couldn't he see that? Couldn't he see the love I had for him in my eyes?

"At least I didn't date someone you loved," I retorted.

"You're wrong," she chuckled and moved the butterfly knife a little, I felt the tip of the blade pierce through my skin a little, making me bleed just a little bit. "You dated him and betrayed me behind my back. Like a slug, you slowly got rid of me and made your way into his heart. You really disgust me Jisoo." I could see tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her bluntly.

"You used to be like a sister to me," her voice cracked. "You... out of everyone I met... why did you make me aside and let me suffer and not remember that our friendship was more important than a rejection that you had to go through. Didn't you promise me that you would support me if he chose me and not you?"

That's right, I did promise her that I would have supported her and him, but my jealousy got the best of me. I was hurt because I befriended him before he befriended her. I felt like absolutely nothing to him, and yet, GA JR without doing anything, she managed to capture his heart with just one look. Why? Why didn't he love me back? Why didn't he notice me?

That's when my mask fell down and I started to shed tears. And she let down the blade and hugged me. I was too stunned to even react. Why was she hugging me? Didn't I hurt her? Didn't I let her suffer in that place? Why is she hugging me?

"I forgive you..." she whispered in my ear and I felt like my heart was being squeezed in my chest. What was this feeling in my chest? Regret? Relief? Guilt? Remorse? I started to sob on the crook of her neck and she sobbed with me. That's when the police came and handcuffed me. She told them to hold on, and that's when Hoseok came and stared at the both of us carefully.

"Thank you..." I told her.

"You know... the best revenge is forgiveness," she smiled widely at me and I let out a giggle.

"You're right... I regret everything I've ever done to you. I just hope that someday, maybe one day, we will be like sisters as before. I want to restart and hangout. Be happy for you and move on with my life. But as in right now, I think I have to pay for my mistakes," I looked down at my feet and she put both of her hands on my shoulders.

"Hey, we all mess up, just behave well and you'll get out of jail sooner than you think," she smiled and I returned the smile. She hugged me for the last time before the Policemen took me away and put me in the Police car, I watched as Hoseok went to hug her and she looked at me with a sad smile on her face. I smiled sweetly at her, now I see why Hoseok chose her instead of me. She really is one of a kind.

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