Chapter 39: Confrontation

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I held onto her hair tightly, she kicked around and screamed

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I held onto her hair tightly, she kicked around and screamed. I punched her in the face. My clone, as soon as they arrived at the airport, I manage to get a hold of her and drag her outside with me as we both went at one another. I never felt so enraged, someone pretending to be me. My knuckles were bloody, my eyes glowed red and my mouth was filled with so much venom. I wanted to bite and let my venom spread throughout her body.

"Pretending to be me? Who do you think you are you worthless leech!" I kicked her in her stomach.

"I'm you, just... more complicated to kill," she smirked.

I was about to kick her face when she tricked me and kicked my leg, making me fall to the floor and groan as my back hit the cold ground. Airplanes kept arriving but we quickly got in the way out so that they could land perfectly alongside with the passengers on them.

She tried to get on top of me, but I kicked her in the stomach, making her stumble back and hold her stomach with a pained expression on her face. I was so angry, so infuriated. I never felt so disrespected until now.

Whoever the hell made her with my DNA, it sure was the one who attacked me when I was recovering in the Hospital back then. It gave them more than enough time to make this shitty clone.

I quickly cracked my back and got in my stance as she recovered and came at me with such an angry expression, just like mine. I blocked her punches. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I blocked her kicks and her roundhouse kick. She sure was trained well, she was effortlessly trying to get more hits on me. But I was quicker than her, I grabbed her leg and with my elbow, I could hear how disgustedly her right knee ligaments ripping and she screamed in pain.

"FUcking BItch!" she yelled at me as she fell to the floor trying to heal fast. I noticed blood on the corner of her lips as she bit down on her lower lip, making herself bleed more since her teeth were sharper than mine and started to bleed more. She spits out her blood, that's when I remember the anonymous note sent to me on my phone.

Make her choke on her blood, it's her biggest weakness and her biggest advantage as well.

I didn't understand the note until now, the person was referring to her, it's her biggest advantage and her biggest weakness.

I quickly slammed her head down, hearing a crack on her skull, she groaned in pain and I took advantage to cover her mouth and I sat on top of her, putting my knees against her arms holding her down. She then took this chance to use her sharp nails to dig them into my skin.

I groaned loudly, she was twisting her fingers in me. The pain was unbearable, but I held on strongly my hands above her mouth. She dug her fingers further into my flesh, I screamed. I then heard a plane about to land, I looked up and saw how close it was to us, I quickly got off of her and she quickly rolled her to side, spitting the blood in her mouth.

I held my sides and looked down at the damage she caused. It might not scar, but I still need time to heal. I groaned as I bit down my arm and tasted my own blood, it mixed with my saliva and I quickly spat out and put it on both of my sides, to help the process of healing faster. 

My blood had the opposite effect of hers. She's is poisonous, mine is meant for healing. Without noticing, she lunged herself at me and bit down on my arm that I bit and started to suck my blood out. I tried to punch her but she blocked my punch as she held onto my other arm tightly.

I squirmed under her, her black and white eyes piercing through my soul. That's when I decided to be smart and I bit down on her arm, just like she was doing to mine, but I didn't drink her blood, that would be too dangerous. Since I knew she was poisoning herself with her own blood, I could be poisoning myself with her blood as well. She screamed and let go of me. I quickly pulled her collar and bumped my forehead hard against hers. It hurt the both of us since I did it a little bit too hard and blood was dripping from our foreheads. I spat out her blood and quickly drank from my own.

I wasn't going to risk getting poisoned by her, I won't give up until she is completely dead. If she lives, so many of us will die, and I'm not going to let that happen. She already caused a lot of damage. I don't need more drama in my life. I just want to live my life at peace with the people that I love. Was that too much to ask?

But that's when I realized... I don't know who created her and who provided the DNA to make her. So killing her wouldn't be good, I needed to knock her out. We need to know who is behind this. I need to know, I have to know.

My eyes widen at the realization and I quickly got up to my feet despite feeling dizzy from the impact and lunged myself at her. I started to choke her if she wasn't going to die, she was going to be my prisoner. She punched me in the same spot she dug her fingers on me and I groaned as I rolled off her and got up to my feet on my fighting stance once more.

I don't know how long we have been fighting, but the sun was starting to set. No one bothered us, after all, I told Ash to not interfere between me and the faker. She lip was cut badly when I landed a proper punch on her. Her inner cheek was bleeding because she started to spat out her blood and looked at me enraged.

She was exhausted whatsoever, we both were, we were compatible with each other. We were great rivals, whoever won or lost, we both knew we were too good for one another. She knew different styles of martial arts and it surprised me a lot honestly. She knew more than me, but she lets her feelings take the best of her and not focus much. I might not know as much as she does, but one secret code to be good at martial arts is to have a calm mind, to think clearly, to not let your feelings take over you and cloud you from reality. She was doing that, she was so angry that she was clouded with rage.

After night fell, I knew she could see in the dark when she started to follow my movements with perfect synch with hers. I could see in the dark too, I could see her heat radiating off of her body. She was getting extremely tired, her movements were slow and I took advantage to put an end to our fight and knocked her out with one last punch to her temple. She fell out cold from my knock out and I fell to the floor as well. That's when I started to hear people running to us.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked.

I chuckled, "I'm alright, just make sure she is tied up, she can break metal just like me. Tie her up with the strongest ropes and I'll be in the back of the cap to make sure she doesn't escape if she wakes up."

"Alrighty, come on," she put her hand out and I took it, letting her help me up.

"I also need blood... she drank too much blood from me," I said as I sighed deeply.

She smacked my back and I groaned in pain, "Come on then, let's get you treated."

"Bish," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I love you," I smiled innocently and she rolled her eyes at me.

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