Chapter 17: "Are You Okay?"

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Namjoon's POV

"Yah, Hoseok, has Yoongi texted you?" I asked him

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"Yah, Hoseok, has Yoongi texted you?" I asked him.

He didn't answer me, lately, for the past 2 weeks, he has been acting weird. I waved my hand in front of his face and he flinched. He looked up at me from his desk and apologized.

"Sorry, and yes, he has actually. He sent me everything, he knows how we can get in and arrest them all without being spotted and they start packing to move to another location," Hoseok told me.

"That's good to know, but... Are you okay?" I asked him with concern.

He chuckled nervously and nodded, "Y-yeah, I'm just... um... worried. That's all."

I sighed, "Come to my office, no buts."

I walked to my office and sat on my chair, Jin saw my face before I entered and he entered after me.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"It's Hoseok, he has been very distracted lately... Do you think something is bothering him?" I asked him.

"I think so, he's not paying attention to us and he can barely look Jisoo in the eyes. She is worried, she thinks she might have done something bad to him, but when she asks him whats wrong, he just tells her that he's just a little stressed and worried. But what's bothering him? I mean, Yoongi is fine. Everything is going smoothly like we hoped. We just have to arrest those people and get those poor people out of there before they lose their own humanity," Jin told me.

"That's why I feel so bothered, he's not being himself. It's like he's shutting himself away from a place where no one can reach him. He's getting distant from Jisoo and us. What happened to his cheerful nature? What's bothering him? Do you think that if we give him a break, he will get better?" I asked him.

"I think so, after all, all that paperwork might be stressing him out and making him feel frustrated. Maybe if we give him a 2-week break he will come back as the old Hoseok we know," Jin patted my back and I smiled at him.

"You're right, it might be that. But besides that, I feel like he's hiding something. I mean, why would he not tell Jisoo if he doesn't want to tell us? It's strange, don't you think? Do you perhaps think that... he's cheating on Jisoo?" I whispered my question.

Jin looked at me with wide eyes, "What makes you say that?" he asked me.

"He wouldn't hide something from Jisoo or us, he's normally open-minded and not close-minded. He trusts us but not enough to tell us what is the matter with him. Do you think it's another girl?" I asked him.

"It's hard to believe Namjoon-ah. He's the loyal type, he wouldn't just cheat on Jisoo. They have been dating for almost a year. We can't just jump to conclusions, maybe it's a family concern?" he told me.

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