Chapter 13: Broken Heart

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I smiled as he left, He'll tell Hobi and he'll do anything to get me back, I know he will, he promised he would wait for me no matter how long it has been

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I smiled as he left, He'll tell Hobi and he'll do anything to get me back, I know he will, he promised he would wait for me no matter how long it has been. I believe in him, ne never broke his promises.

I suddenly heard the door opening and Yoongi came back inside my room. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I..." he sighed. "You need to know the truth if you're gonna get out."

"Truth about what?" I asked him.

"Hobi... he..." he paused.

"No... please no... don't tell me he died..." my eyes started to water and Yoongi looked up at me with shock.

"He's not dead but... he has someone else in his life..." he told me.

Something in me ripped into a million pieces, my face went blank when he told me those words. He's lying, he's fucking lying. He's taking revenge for humiliating him in front of all the cadets. That's it.

"Stop lying and tell me the truth-"

"Does it look like I would lie to you? Why do you think I never answered your questions whether he was dating someone or not. He moved on JR, he thought you were dead-"

I stopped hearing what he was saying, his lips were moving, but I couldn't hear anymore. I felt like someone stabbed me with a sword of two sharp sides. I don't know what was worse, Hobi breaking his promise... or seeing him kissing and touching someone else.

"So please, stay away from him, he's happy, you should move on too-"

"Shut the fuck up," I told him as angry tears rolled down my eyes. "How fucking dare he break his promise...?" I chuckled darkly, "I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have loved him and believe his lies."

"I'm sorry JR, but I had to let you know," he told me as he tried to hug me but I rose my arms against his chest and stopped him.

"Please... don't misunderstand, but I need to be alone now..." I told him and he nodded as he silently left. That's when I broke down crying silently. I curled into a small ball in my bed and hugged my knees to my chest.

Why...? Why did you lie to me Hoseok...? Why...? I cried as I recalled my memories of him that kept me alive.

"JR... I love you," he told me as he wrapped his arms around me that night at the club.

"I love you too," I snuggled closer to him and he cuddled me.

"I'm sorry the condom broke... I'll try to see if I can find pills so you won't get pregnant," he kissed my forehead.

"But... what if I wanna keep it?" I told him.

"You... you wanna have a family with me...?" he looked at me shocked.

"I don't see why not? And besides, I need to retire one day," I pecked his lips.

"Are you sure?" he told me as he looked at me deeply into my eyes.

"Hobi... just as long as you hold my hand... I don't mind it. I know you're a wonderful person, you would never hurt anyone without any intentions. You're an angel, I wanna live my life next to an angel that will give me hope when I'm down. You gave me that and now... you're giving me the biggest gift of my life... a child." I smiled at him and he smiled sweetly at me.

"I'm so glad I met you JR, you really do make me really happy. I don't know what would be of me without you," he told me.

What would be of you without me? Heh, just the same thing Hoseok, you would find someone else and forget about me. That's exactly what you did. You just gave up on me. Why did you lie? Why me? Why do I always get hurt in the end? Am I cursed? Maybe... I wasn't meant to be loved... but to love even if at the end I end up hurting the most. I gripped my bedsheet and screamed at the top of my lungs.

My chest was hurting so bad, my heart felt like it was being squeezed to death. I felt so lost, I lost hope in everything I used to believe in. I hope I don't bump into him once I'm out of here, I hope I never see him again, I hope I can move on just like he did. I don't ever wanna see him, I hate him, how can he do this to me? Why?! JUST FUCKING WHY?!

"WHY?!?!!?!" I yelled and punched the wall repeatedly until I felt two people grab my wrists with both of their hands. "LET ME GO! LET ME TAKE MY ANGER OUT! I FUCKING HATE HIM! HE FUCKING LIED! I HATE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH! I HOPE I NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN!" I broke down crying as my strength left my body and my knuckles started to hurt as hell. But that pain didn't compare to the one I was feeling in my chest.

I started to hiccup as I sobbed, I have been waiting for him to rescue me, but he just left me in the ocean of the forgotten. Why...? Just why him out of everyone in my life...? Why did you give up on me...? Why did you do it...? Why did you leave me...?

"I'm so sorry," Yoongi told me.

"It hurts... make it stop... it hurts too much... rip it out, please... it hurts too much..." I begged him.

"Try to sleep, when you wake up, let's talk about it, shall we?" he ruffled my hair and I slowly nodded as my sobs got choked, I couldn't breath right. I was breathless, I felt as if someone turned the oxygen off and now I was like a fish out of water, helpless and worthless.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

I shook my head as more tears streamed down my cheeks, I started to get light headed and my lungs screamed for air, but I couldn't, I was choking. Suddenly, Jimin smacked my back and I cough as I regained my air.

"Th-thank you Jimin..." I muttered but he nodded and Yoongi laid me back down on my bed. He treated my wounds in my knuckles and wrapped them with the gauze wrap he had at hand.

"Try to rest, we'll talk about this later on," he patted my head and left with Jimin behind him.

I pray that I never find you nor see you, I don't know what I'd do if I see her. Cry? Attack her? Kill you for lying? Beat the crap out of the both of you? Stand there and hear my heart break once more? I hugged myself tightly, I cried myself to sleep, it was the only thing that I could do.

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