Chapter 40: Answers

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Yoongi's POV

I was shocked to see two GA JRs in front of me

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I was shocked to see two GA JRs in front of me. Some tied up to a chair still unconscious. I kept looking back and forth between them, they looked almost exactly the same if it weren't for GA JR's fading scars. They were not that noticeable, but you could still see the silhouette of them. 

"I'm not understanding this, why are there two of you?" I pointed at the GA JR with the dark brown undercut hairstyle.

"Someone cloned me..." she glared and her eyes flashed red with anger.

"Why would someone clone GA JR?" Hoseok asked.

"So that they could get to Miu, bring her back here, and God knows what her sister might be up to," she hissed.

"What about Miu?" Hoseok asked.

"Her... siblings... they..." she sighed. "Let's just say that they are spoiled brats. Some of them are nice, but some of them-" she shakes her head. "Some of them are too much."

"Is that so?" I asked her.

She glared at me, "So I look like I'm joking around?" 

I immediately stopped smiling and turned serious, "Sorry, I don't know what the hell is going on with me."

"You should take a break from Jimin," she groaned.

I felt somewhat offended, "Why do you say that?"

"You're kinda acting like the little smushy bean," she rose an eyebrow.

"But he's taller than me-?"

"YOU GET WHAT I MEAN!" she interrupted me and the clone woke up, making me jump a little since her head shot straight up to look at the both of us with wild eyes.

"Wha- why am I here?" she glared at GA JR.

"I should be asking you why the hell you even exist," GA JR glared at her. I chuckled and just let the both of them give death stares at one another.

"Alright, first off, who created you?" I turned to the clone and she smirked.

"Why would you wanna know?" she asked back.

That made GA JR angry, she quickly swung her fist to her lips and before I knew it, her lip was cut and GA JR covered her mouth.

"Well, whoever created you sent me a note, telling me that your weakness if your blood. Tell me, it's true that your blood is poisonous?" GA JR whispered in a deadly tone.

Since she couldn't speak, her answered was muffled by her hand. "What was that?" she let go of her mouth and she quickly spits out her blood.

"Jooheon," she said. That made up both tense and freeze in our spot.

"He... created you?" I asked.

"Under the influence of Jisoo, my master," she answered as she started to cough due to the blood lingering in her taste buds.

"So... she was the one who attacked me..." GA JR looked over at me and I shared the same shocked expression on my face.

"Why did she create you?" I asked the clone.

"She originally wanted to use me to kill GA JR, but then, Miu's sister made an offer. To hunt down Miu and bring her back to Korea back to her sister," she told us.

"Why?" GA JR asked.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her?" she retorted.

"So you just went hunting down an innocent person without knowing the reason why? Wow, how low can you go? And... who brainless of you," GA JR shook her head in disbelief.

"Well then, now that you have your answers, what are you going to do to me?" she asked us.

"Kill you," I answered.

"Keep you," GA JR said.

"What?!" I looked over at her and she gave me an expressionless face.

"Think about it, we can use her against Jisoo, if Jisoo wants me dead, then... maybe we can backfire her plan on her. We can't just arrest her without having any proof," GA JR told me.

I stayed quiet and thought for a second, "So what do you wanna do exactly?"

"If she's willing to cooperate, we'll have to pretend that she's got me so that Jisoo can kill me herself but I will be having a microphone. There isn't any news about the incident at the Airport yet, so we still have time to pretend and bust her out. Not only her but Jooheon as well," she told me, looking boldly at me in the eye.

"That makes a lot of sense, however, if she shoots you before we even interrupt her, what do we do?" I asked her.

"She will torture me first, she wouldn't just kill me right then and there. IF she was the one who tortured me in the Hospital, then she will take all chances to make me miserable. I have an idea of why she wants to kill me. A long time ago, she told me she fell in love with your secretary, Hoseok. I was happy for her. She was already his friend, but I didn't know him yet, we never really interact back then. But once I caught him looking at me while I was giving my lessons of weight lifting to the new cadets and comrades. I knew who he was, but he didn't know who I was."

"After some time, we eventually came to interact in the Military Ball. We got to know each other more and we eventually befriended one another. Of course, it was kind of obvious that we liked one another, but I didn't say anything because Jisoo loved Hoseok. So I waited to see if their friendship turned into a relationship. But it didn't seem like it was, so once Hoseok invited me to go to a club with him, and I went with him. We danced, we talked, we goofed around, we got drunk. But that night, he kissed me and we both ended up confessing our feelings to one another. That was the night where we got physical, and after two days, I went to my mission without knowing that I was pregnant."

"But what really made me curious was this, why was I sent there without anyone telling Hoseok or you about me? I requested to let you guys know, I only wanted Hoseok to come. It's true, I didn't want anyone touching me and that I was still traumatized because a boy that I tried to save died on me. The guilt and the feeling of not being able to save him made me sorrowful. But after that, I don't know who sent me to that place," she told me.

"It must have been Jisoo, she used to work as a nurse in the Military after all. Maybe she requested to sent you there and see if you would have been able to survive in there. You know what I mean?" I told her.

"She was my best friend, couldn't she be happy for me? Why did she send me there?" she asked me.

"Jealousy can turn people into total monsters, you know?" I chuckled.

"Well then, clone, what do you say? Deal or no deal?" she asked the clone.

"My name is 1004, and sure, after all, I was planning on killing them once I returned for all the damned experiments they did on me," she sighed.

"Alrighty then," I nodded.

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