Chapter 35: Advice

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Jimin's POV

"Yoongi Bear, can I come with you today?" I asked

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"Yoongi Bear, can I come with you today?" I asked.

"Sure, but what made you suddenly want to come to my boring job?" he smiled sweetly at me.

"I want Holly and Spots to go out for a while and not just locked up in here with me, I bet they are tired of being here all day," I chuckled.

He thought for a while, "Okay then, let's go bring them with us then."

I gasped in excitement and hugged him tightly, "Thank you, Gummy Bear~"

He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "Anything for my Mochi."

I giggled and kissed his cheek as well. We got Holly and Spots in their animal carrier bags and we went to his car and we put them in the back seats. I sat in the passenger seat and Yoongi got in the Driver's seat and we both buckle up before he started the engine and drove to the department.

Many cadets looked at me funny since I wore nothing like a rank or Military clothes to be in here. I didn't care, as long as Yoongi was beside me I could care less what they thought of me.

Before we got to Yoongi's Office Taehyung and Jungkook walked up to me and salute me.

"Hey, Jimin," Taehyung looked at me and I nodded.

"What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be working by now?" Yoongi groaned.

"We just arrived like you guys," Jungkook scratched the back of his head.

"How are you guys?" I asked.

"We're good, and you guys?" Jungkook smiled at me.

"We're good too, now if you excuse us, we have to put our children in my office and relax," Yoongi sighed as he started to walk and unlock his Office door.

They chuckled and they continued to walk to their own offices and I picked up Holly's carrier and Spots carrier as well as he then led me into his office for the first time. I looked around and I was amazed at how neat and organized it looked.

"Wow, this looks really nice," I turned around, smiling at him and he softly smiled back at me, patting my head.

"Sit down and take the pets around for a small walk meanwhile I'm working Mochi," Yoongi kissed my hand and I blushed.

"S-sure thing, Yoongi bear," I nodded as my cheeks started to get red.

He chuckled and gave me his gummy bear smile, gosh, that smile is to melt for. I quickly turned to Holly's animal carrier and let him out of his carrier and I walked over to Spots and let her out.

I smiled as we walked out and walked through the hallways. Many stopped and petted them, some cadets made small talk and headed back to their tasks. That's when I bumped into Namjoon and Jin, they smiled and told me to have a seat.

"So, you and Yoongs already hit it, am I right?" Namjoon winked.

"I'm sorry hyung, what?" I looked at him confused. Jin smacked him behind his head.

"Yah, don't corrupt his innocent mind! Yoongi-ah will kill you!" Jin told him and Namjoon laughed a little.

"I didn't know Yoongs was this shy," Namjoon chuckled.

"I'm sorry, am I missing a piece of the puzzle?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, what did they mean?

"Oh goodness, Namjoon stop! He doesn't know! He's so pure!" Jin scolded him and Namjoon just laughed it off.

"Alright, alright, but just one question Jimin, are you attracted to Yoongi?" he asked me.

"Um, yeah, why would I be dating him if I wasn't?" I answered him, trying to understand what he meant exactly.

"I mean... do you find him physically... attractive?" he chose his words carefully this time, something in my head clicked and I blushed red tomato.

"W-wh-why would you ask that?" I looked down at my feet as I blushed like a madman.

"Yah, I told you to stop it!" Jin pinched his chest and Namjoon laughed it off once more.

"But... um, to answer your question... Yes, but I'm afraid that... I might disappoint him," I smiled sadly.

"What's the matter?" Jin asked me.

"It's just that... what if I'm not good enough for him?" I looked at Jin with sad eyes. "What if my body disgusts him? What if my innocence ruins the moment? I'm nervous and scared that he might get tired of me..."

"Aww, you don't have to worry about that Manggaetteok, he wouldn't do that to you. He loves you very much, he might not show it much, but he truly does love you. You should see how overdefensive he gets when we tease you both still not having that kind of contact. He always tells us that he doesn't want to hurt you and that until you're ready for those kinds of things, that he will try his best not to hurt you since... well, you're a virgin," Namjoon told me.

"He... he really said that?" I asked him as I looked at his eyes to see if he was lying, but he wasn't. Then... he really doesn't want me to get hurt by him, what have I done to deserve such a caring boyfriend?

"Yeah, he really cares and loves you, he wants to wait until you're ready for those kinds of things with him. I think you two should talk about this later on when you guys are alone or at home. You guys need to talk about these kinds of things before one misunderstands the other, you understand what I'm trying to say?" Jin looked at me with soft eyes.

I blushed, "Of course hyung, I'll talk to him when we're alone or at home. I don't want him to think that I don't find him attractive... in THAT way anyway."

Namjoon chuckled, "Alright then, we'll get going. Take care Manggaetteok, see you around."

"Bye guys, and thank you for the advice!" I smiled brightly at them.

I looked down and found Holly and Spots staring up at me as well, I blushed. Did they understand what we were talking about?

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