Chapter 4: Psychology

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Yoongi's POV

"Tae, Goddamn it, slow down

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"Tae, Goddamn it, slow down. I'm not a brainiac like Commander Namjoon," I rubbed my temple as this kiddo kept throwing facts at me while we were at my office.

"Sorry, it's just that it has been a while since anyone has asked me about this. I'm just excited hyung," he gave me a small box smile and blushed lightly.

I chuckled slightly, "Dummy, I may be fast, but I like to take my time when it comes to studying. Not only do I have to learn Psychology from you, but I had to study my new identity."

"It must be a little too much stress for you hyung, I'm sorry, I'll go slow," he patted my back and sat beside me instead of in front of me.

"So, different body part reacts to different emotions, I know that fairly well. But I never knew which ones reacted to which body parts, that is something interesting," I told him as I pointed at one of his previous notes in High School. He brought everything in his Psychology Class notes and books.

"Aha, and the 8 primary emotions are: joy, acceptance, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation," Tae told me.

"Damn, seems like you have fun analyzing people, no wonder why I sometimes catch you staring at me," I joked.

"It's hard to tell when it comes to you hyung, I can read people from the outside like the cover of a book, but with you it's hard," he frowned.

"Seems like you have to read harder kid," I patted his shoulder.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" he looked down at his hands.

I put down his notebook and looked at him curiously to what he wanted to tell me, "What is it?"

"Haven't you noticed something about Lieutenant Jungkook?" he asked.

I was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Like, haven't you noticed how he instantly smiles when he sees you and how kind he is with you?" he asks.

"He's just a kid, he does that because he respects his elders," I rolled my eyes.

"Haven't you seen how big his eyes get when he sees you?" he asks.

"Tae, what are you getting at?" I turned completely to him.

"I don't wanna speculate things but... do you think he is gay just like Namjoon and Seokjin hyungs?" he asked.

"Wasn't he dating one of the lower rank cadets? A brunette with blonde highlights?" I asked.

"He broke up with her 2 years ago," he told me.

"Are you serious? Heh, I never noticed," I frowned. "But why would you think he is gay?"

"Hyung, I've seen how big his eyes get when he sees you. I see how he behaves when he's around you and around other people. He hasn't noticed me yet, but I have been keeping a safe distance to see him. I have been studying him lately and... I can say that he likes you," he told me.

I laughed a little, "You think too much Taehyung-ah, there's no way he would like some cold-hearted person like me-"

"You're not cold-hearted, you just don't like to express your emotions much, whatever happened to you in the past, it's enough for you to learn and your brain instantly blocks you from showing how you truly feel. I may not be able to read you, but I'm able to understand you. You might think that you're cold-hearted because you don't find anyone attractive in here, but that's just your mind warning you not to get too attached to someone before you get hurt, am I wrong?" he looked at me seriously.

"Fuck you and your Psychological brain," I shoved his face and he laughed.

"I was right," Taehyung said.

"Well, somewhat right," I told him.

"Mind explaining?" he asked.

"Taehyung, fucking focus in teaching me Psychology and not interrogate me with my private life you shithole," I told him and he laughed louder.

"Alright, alright, let's keep continuing then," he told me and he taught me through his notes what he learned, what was very important to know and what was just a few details of importance to remember.

This kid really freaks me out, not only is he good at Psychology, but he uses it to analyze everyone he meets. I wonder how he would get himself a girl or a guy if he keeps this up. It's just creepy how he gets in your head without you knowing it.

He wasn't wrong though, he was right. I did lose someone precious to me before, I was just a freshman when he was just a middle schooler and I've never seen him ever again ever since he beat the crap out of those bullies of him. I don't remember his name, but just by the few times, I spoke to him when we crossed paths I could tell that he was as lonely as I was.

I felt like I could relate to him, but what really surprised me was his bruises when someone took a snap of his torso and made fun of him. I felt my blood boil and then I realized, he just wasn't alone but he was also suffering from child abuse. I felt something in me turn when I saw how dark those bruises where. How did he manage to survive with his dad? Is that why he killed him? As far as I heard, he was on the News that evening. My parents saw him and told me to stay away from him, but what I felt was the need to comfort him and tell him that it was okay. That he was just defending himself and his little brother.

As far as I knew, he was taken to somewhere to treat his psychological problems. But never once I saw him back at school. Sure, they might have expelled him, but I never saw him walking when I walked to school. I just never saw him ever again. I felt sad that I never got to tell him anything to comfort him. I felt guilty that I was not that friend who was beside him and to tell him that he was doing good.

Did he cut? Was he okay now? Where was he? Why after all these years he keeps coming back into my mind? I was not close to him, not at all. He was just an acquaintance of school, that was it. But why did I worry so much about him? What was so special about him? Did he remind me of me with my internal struggles?

"Hyung, are you there?" Taehyung asked me.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, I zoned out for a while," I told him.

"Nervous about the mission?" he asked.

I chuckled, "I won't lie, but a little. I'll be dealing with maniacs after all."

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