Chapter 24: Ghost-Like

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I felt like I was floating in the air, I didn't feel pain anymore

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I felt like I was floating in the air, I didn't feel pain anymore. I didn't feel anything, I just felt light as a feather. I felt like I was floating in space like a ghost. After all, I was put to sleep. I don't know how but... I saw how they started to put alcohol in my new bruises and small new cuts that I had on my face. I couldn't recognize myself. It was as if I was seeing someone else.

Whoever attacked me, they made sure I looked like crap. They cleaned the blood off of my face, they took off the dirty hospital gown I had on and I saw my naked body. I saw all my ugly scars, my imperfections, my reminders, my monstrous body. I was not pretty anymore. I looked like one of those zombies, only in better shape but still with those ugly cuts and how lifeless I looked.

They checked the stitches, they made new stitches and closed my wounds tightly. I didn't feel pain, but if I was awake I would sure as hell feel the pain. Was I dead? Why am I seeing my body? Was this normal? I checked the monitor and my heart was still beating. Slowly, but steady.

I saw how they argued on who would stay after they dressed me and they cleaned me. Some bodyguard came in and they told him to take care of me and to keep n eye on me just in came. For how long have I been like this? I don't know, but I wasn't keeping track of time. Was I okay? Yeah, I felt more than okay, I felt great. I could move my body like I was made of air. I felt so light, I didn't weight anything.

I smiled until I heard the door open and I saw the doctor who was attending me with other nurses enter with a girl who I have known for so long.

It's been a long time... Miu. You look beautiful as always, I smiled as I thought about this.

What made my heart ache, was seeing how red her eyes, nose, and face was. Did I cause that much pain to her? Doesn't she have anyone in her life though? Didn't her parents force her to marry some guy? Isn't that why she broke up with me?

I wanted to reach out and touch her, but I couldn't even hold her face with my hands. She sat beside my bed and caressed the back of my left hand. My left hand felt warm, I could feel the warmth radiating off of her. I could tell that I felt cold in her hand, she jumped a little when she looked down at my hand. She traced the scars in my left arm. She silently started to sob as her tears dropped on my left arm.

No, please don't cry... Please, stop crying... I felt like crying as well. Was I causing so much pain? I'm so sorry...

"Please... Alondra... fight... come back... please... come back..." she laid beside me and cried on my neck. I felt her hot breath on the same spot she was crying. I felt the wetness of he tears.

I wanted to wake up and hug her tightly, but I couldn't. I was put to sleep, into a deep sleep in which now I want to wake up. I tried to get back into my body, but it was as if I was touching the air, my hands couldn't touch my own body.

"I miss you... I still love you... I miss you so fucking much..." she said between sobs. I hate my new life... I hate him... He doesn't treat me like you did. He is so fucking cold and only looks at me like a fucking mistake... I want a divorce but my parents won't let me. I was forced to have a child with him, and I named my daughter after you... Your name was the strength to make me stand up on my own two feet and keep on fighting the need to end my life... You're the reason why I haven't given up. My daughter... she has the same cute giggles as you."

I felt a smile on my face as my pain expression became more evident. She has a daughter, she named her after me because my name gave her strength. She indeed has grown to be a beautiful woman, stronger than before. I broke down in tears, she was miserable because of that asshole. How dare he do this to my Queen? What the fuck is wrong with him? Does he not see the beauty in her?

"She reminds me so much of you, when she smiles at me, I see you in her little eyes. She is so happy, jubilant and full of like like you used to when I first met you. I want her to be like you. I want her to not be afraid of who she is and do not care about what people think of her. I want her to have your strength so that when she falls and I'm not there for her, she would be able to stand back up and keep moving," her tears soaked the collar of my new Hospital gown. "She gives me the hope that one day, everything will be alright and that all this pain that I have been through will eventually die. Please, come back to me, wake up and kiss me like you used to, I don't care if he finds out I'm not 100% straight... I want to be in your embrace once more, feel your lips against mine, and hold on to you like I used to." Miu traced my lips and I felt her hot fingers trace them. I closed my eyes and felt her lips pressed against mine.

I missed this... this feeling of being loved... I miss you too... I'll go to you once I get better... I promise you. I thought as I tried to respond to her kiss, but my lips wouldn't move. I only felt what my body was feeling, but not move and do as I'd like to. She suddenly got up and looked at the stitches on my lower lip and the stitches on my eyebrow.

"When that eyebrow heals, that scar is going to look so hot on you," she giggled as she wiped her tears.

I blushed, Wow, okay, I'm anticipating in waking up right now. Where is the adrenaline shot? I need to fucking wake up!

"I'll come to visit you more... my everything."

My heart skipped a beat and the monitor showed it, she looked at it and laughed. Damn, maybe I can't move but my heart can really betray me.

"You heard that, didn't you?" she said in a teasing voice. She got close to my ear and kissed it. "Come back my love, I want you to meet Alondra."

I wanna meet the little girl too, I smiled brightly and wiped my tears.

"She just turned 2 years old yesterday... October 10th," she told me.

Damn, my birthday passed and I didn't even care? Welp, Yoongi did give me some pudding for my birthday and Jimin gave me a hand-made bracelet he made for me with my favorite colors black and red. I guess that was all for a birthday, it might not have been one of the best, but surely one to be remembered and cherished.

"I'll go now, I'll come to visit you with Alondra tomorrow since that dumbass works from day to night, I have my own career, I'm a professional Makeup Artist now, I'll tell you more tomorrow after I finish work," she leaned and pecked my lips once more.

I blushed and touched my lips. I smiled, See you tomorrow Miu.

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