Chapter 30: Let Me Top

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I won't write anymore SMUTs, some people are not okay with them and I wanna respect that. So I'll just skip through those parts and let you imagine them.

Taehyung's POV

We arrived at Jungkook's place, it was nice and neat as always, but something in his has been frustrating him

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We arrived at Jungkook's place, it was nice and neat as always, but something in his has been frustrating him. I already knew what it was, did I tease him too much? I looked at his pants and found his bulge urging to get out. I bit my lips and Jungkook gave me a glare he never gave me before.

"This time, you're being submissive," he told me.

I was taken aback, "You don't want me to top?"

"Just for this once... Let me top," he wrapped his arms around my waist and started to give me butterflies kisses on my neck. This dominant side of him was new, he normally lets me top. This is going to be the first time he tops me, and I'm anticipating for it.

I grunted as he started to pull me closer and rubbing his bulge on mine. He softly bit my earlobe and started to suck on my earlobe. I felt my breath get short and I panted, excited for what he was going to do.

He started to unbutton my shirt and undo my tie as I did the same for him. He grabbed me by my thighs and I jumped as I wrapped my legs around his slim waist.

Jisoo's POV

"IS she ready?" I asked him as I put my hand against the glass of the clone

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"IS she ready?" I asked him as I put my hand against the glass of the clone.

"She is, all the experimenting on her have worked well, she is ready," Jooheon looked down at his hands.

I smiled in triumph. I turned to him, "Now that she is complete, she has more ability to kill like a pro, right? After all, those first two months of her being out, she has improved as a serial killer."

"Indeed," he whispered.

"Let her out again," I demanded.

"Jisoo, I mean to tell you this, but she is now acting on her own. I'm afraid that if I let her out once more, she will rebel against us and kill us both," he told me.

"She will obey me Jooheon, now let her out," I glared at him and he sighed deeply before releasing her. The water started to drain and she slowly opened her eyes, she looked straight at me and smiled sweetly.

"Master," she bowed slightly and I smiled.

"Time for you to go have fun, sweetheart," I told her.

"Really?" she said excitedly.

"Of course 1004, you'll finally be out of this cage and kill as many people as you want!" I said and she clapped her hands.

"I love you master!" she giggled and I did the same.

Jooheon on the other hand, he just left us and I pressed the button to raise the glass between us and she hugged me.

"Now then, I need you to do me a little favor first sweetie," I told her.

"What is it master?" she asked.

"A friend of mine can't find her adopted sister, your job is to find her and... bring her here.

"You can count on me, I'll do it!" she said and I patted her head.

She was the evil clone I told Jooheon I wanted. Not only was she my little pet, but she was very dangerous. She loved me, I knew, but I hated her. She basically was from the same DNA as that bitch who takes a lot of time with Hoseok these past months. He has been ignoring me and just asks me if I'm okay. He's not like before. He changed because of her.

Jisung's POV

"Now say it again!" Miu excited

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"Now say it again!" Miu excited.

"I have the World's most beautiful wife that I love with all my heart," I told her. I have been practicing English so much that I sounded like a natural, but Miu enjoys it so much.

"Agh, you smartass!" she got up and hugged me. "I'm so proud of you! You have learned these past lessons like they were a piece of cake!"

"I have the world's biggest and best teacher, so I have her all to myself and learn from her," I hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

We heard Alondra giggle as she looked at us, we joined her and we walked towards her. These days, everything was perfect. I am the MC of a Talent Show in here and everyone is stunned at how much my English had improved these months. Everyone was so friendly and our quiet and calm house near the river made it look like Heaven itself. As if it was the Garden of Eden. We are happy, safe, and most of all, surrounded by people who we love.

Miu is 1 month pregnant again and I can't wait for my child to be born already. Boy or girl, whatever gender it might be, I will love my child just like I love Miu and Alondra. The most beautiful moment in life is here and now. If I could go back in time and do this sooner, I would right now. But what's important is... We're happy. We're in our little Eutopia. Miu was my makeup artist, and obviously, she's winning big money since she now owns a Beauty Workshop and she trains girls with makeup and hair dies. So many people go to her place to get their makeup and other things there.

We are well-known, but not as MR & MRS Park, but as MR and MRS SuDae. Yes, we had to change our names as well, I'm now known as MR. SuDae YoonDo. Miu is not Park Miu, but MRS. SuDae Areum. Our lives are perfect. We're happy.

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