Chapter 44: Euphoria

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Jimin's POV

Can this get any better? Is this what everyone calls 'Euphoria'? Not only is this the most beautiful moment in our lives, but it's also a moment to remember what we had to go through in order to have those bright smiles on our faces

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Can this get any better? Is this what everyone calls 'Euphoria'? Not only is this the most beautiful moment in our lives, but it's also a moment to remember what we had to go through in order to have those bright smiles on our faces.

We faced so many hardships, we had trust issues, and we met complete strangers who later on in our lives put part of their personalities with ours and made a better version of ourselves. Can I finally say that I'm happy? Or am I dreaming? Can someone punch me and snap me back to reality?

This moment in life is perfect, way too perfect. Everyone is having a good time in this late-night barbeque, drinking in the red cup so kids wouldn't see that it was beer, dancing to the rhythm of the music. Miu was happily drinking soda with Jisung meanwhile clone 1004 took care of Alondra, the little toddler with us. Since Miu was pregnant, she couldn't drink, and since Jisung didn't want his wife to feel like an outcast, he only drank soda with her and made her feel comfortable.

Ash? Welp, she was dancing with Taeyong in the middle of the living room and then Hoseok and GA JR stepped in the center and showed them what real dancing was. I must admit, I've never seen GA JR dance before, it was surprising that Hoseok and her had the same style of dancing. Hip Hop dancing. That was something new an unexpected. Ash and Taeyong rather watched in amusement while the rest of us laughed.

Yoongi and I, we are cuddling in one of the love couches. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist meanwhile having his drink in his other hand. I wasn't drunk but tipsy. I was giggling and laughing as other then started to dance, Yoongi then patted my butt and I stood up from my seat and let him stand up just so then he could ask me for a dance.

Someone put a slow song so that the couples could have a slow dance. Yoongi wrapped his left arm around my waist and held my left arm up with his right arm and I put my right hand on his left shoulder. We started to sway side to side and put our foreheads together.

Am I alive? Am I breathing? Is this for real? Am I dreaming? Why is all of this happiness so surreal? From the corner of my eye, I saw my brother with his wife dancing ever so lovingly, smiling at each other and pecking each other's lips. I smiled. My uncle and aunt were here too. At first, they were uncomfortable about my relationship with Yoongi. They thought that it was weird to find love with someone of the same sex as yourself. But once they saw from all our visits how we were one for the other, they just ignored the fact that I turned Gay for someone who really deserved my love and affection like Yoongi.

Yoongi kissed my forehead and put his forehead against mine once more and I closed my eyes. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest, I felt overjoyed. I opened my eyes just to meet his penetrating stare. I felt tears of joy in my eyes. I'm not dreaming, right? Because if I am, I don't wanna wake up. This is perfect. Too perfect.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped both of his arms around my waist and swayed as we held each other. My tears rolled down and he kissed them away, whispering how much he loved me over and over again as my tears rolled down my cheeks. I smiled at his sweetness. He really has completed my life, the piece that was missing. I then saw his own eyes tearing up and I knew just then that, he was as happy as I was.

He hid his face in the crook of my neck and I put one hand on his soft hair and entangled my fingers in his dark chocolate hair. I felt the wetness of his tears in my neck and I kissed his hair, letting him know that I love this sentimental dork.

"I love you, I like you, I like your smile, I love your dorkiness, I love everything about you," I whispered in his ear and he playfully pushed me away as we both chuckled.

"I hate you so much," he said.

I clutched my chest, "Ouch!"

He laughed, "I hate you because I love you more than anyone else! More than myself even. I don't know what would be of me if one day you just disappeared. I think that... I would be lost. Like, I would feel lost, losing you would be a torture. You get what I mean? I hate you, but I love you at the same time. Am I being clear?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

I laughed at him and he pecked my lips, "You got me confused, but I get what you mean. It would be the same for me, now that I'm healed, now that I'm sane, I would say that losing you would be me going back to the black hole in which I was in. So whatever you do, don't disappear. You're the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. Not only did you save me, but you healed me."

As if he read my mind, he kissed me. I closed my eyes and analyzed his lips on mine once more. How soft they felt, how delicately he bit my lower lip, how he licked my lower lip and how his tongue felt on mine. How the taste of liquor was evident, how we forgot that there were other people.

It was as if time stopped, it was as if right here and now it was all that mattered. I won't lie, but this is perfect. Family and friends together, a child playing with her uncles and aunts. It was all beautiful. I wouldn't want to trade my happiness for anything else. We might fall down, but together we can rise once more.

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