Chapter 9: Daddy Joon

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WARNING: 21+ scenes, if you do not like smuts or if you wanna keep your innocence, you might not wanna read this part. Thank you.


I was typing my daily worksheet on how my cadets and comrades were doing

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I was typing my daily worksheet on how my cadets and comrades were doing. I checked each paper in my office that sat on my desk and sighed. It was giving me a headache but then someone knocked on the door, I groaned.

"Come in," I said monotonously.

Jin entered and I relaxed, "You seem to be having a hard time, do you need me to help you out?"

"Yes, please," I sighed and he walked behind me and started to massage my temples.

"Better?" he asked.

"Somewhat, thank you Seokjin Yeobo," I grinned and he smacked my shoulder and I flinched.

"Babo, don't call me that when we're working," he rolled his eyes.

"But you don't mind it when we're fucking on my desk," I pointed out.

His jaw dropped, "NAMJOON!"

I laughed at his flustered expression and put my arms around my head as he hit me with a stack of papers that laid around. I laughed as he took his anger out on me. He then stopped after a few minutes.

"Don't talk about that, geez, you have no shame," he shook his head.

"Oh, but you don't say that when you're a moaning mess," I wrapped my arms around his waist as I pulled him closer to me before he got the change to react to my words.

"Namjoon, can't you wait for la-later? I'm still sore from the first round," he told me.

"I'll go lightly... if you want," I whispered in his ear and he then shivered in my arms.

"Namjoon-ah, please..." he begged.

I bit my lips, "What is it?"

"Stop teasing me..." he panted.

I looked down at his pants and he was already growing. I smirked and he looked at me, knowing what was coming to him.

"Would you want me to fix that?" I nuzzled my nose on the crook of his neck as my hands went down to his waist.

"Why do you always do this to me?" he glared at me and I chuckled as I looked at him.

"You're my Baby Boy, did you forget that? You need Daddy to ruin you," I whispered against his soft skin.

He left a soft moan out from his pretty lips. I suddenly got up and went to lock the door, since I made my office soundproof three weeks ago, there wouldn't be a problem of keeping things quiet. I turned around to find Jin with his cheek full of color, with different shades of pink and red. His ears started to turn hot pink and his breathing became unstable. I started to undo my tie and take it out of my dress shirt.

"Sit," I ordered.

He jumped a little at my commanding voice and sat on my chair, I slowly went behind him and started to tie my tie to cover his eyes. If he wanted me to get rid of his boner, at least he could let me have some fun hearing him.

"Stand up," I told him when I was done tying the tie around his head.

He stood up and I turned him around to face me, I slightly lowered my head to kiss his plumb thick lips. I pushed away some paper as I sat him on my desk and started to rub him through his clothes.

"A-ah," he left out another moan when I started to massage him, he was getting harder this time. I bit my lower lip as I started to get excited too. Why must he turn me on like this?

"Do you like that... Baby boy?" I asked.

"Y-yes... Da-Daddy," he panted.

I sat on my chair and pulled him towards me, turning him around as I made him sit on my lap. I started to undo his belt and zip his zipper down. He gasped once he realized what I was going to do. I chuckled lightly at his cuteness when he felt embarrassed of me touching him, even though we have been dating for a long time, he still gets shy when I jerk him off.

"Relax Baby Boy, if you're good, Daddy will go light on you. But if you don't behave... Daddy will have to punish you," I nibbled his earlobe and he moaned louder. "Is that what you want?" I asked as I went under his boxers and started to massage his tip.

"Nnnn, ah- Daddy Joon!" he bit his lower lip.

"What was that Baby Boy?" I teased him as I started to jerk him off slowly.

"F-fa-faster! Ah, ple-please..." he begged.

Damn, I'm getting hard, I thought as I started to pick up my pace and suck the nape on his neck.

I felt his pre-cum in my hand, how cute. He arched his back as I squeezed him a little and moaned louder since he knows that we wouldn't be heard, no matter how loud he moaned. It relieved me, we didn't have to keep it quiet, but actually, let it all out and not hide it from one another.

His dick was starting to twitch, he was close. A few more moves and he might spill all his milky substance on my hand. I then went under his shirt and started to massage one of his nipples and he groaned.

"Do you like that, Baby Boy?" I asked.

"Y-yes Daddy," he panted.

I stopped my movement and he whined, I chuckled and I then put him back to my desk and took his pants down along with his boxers. I sat in my chair as I started to suck him off, I teased him by licking the tip as more pre-cum started to come out. Then I took him all in my mouth and he started moaning once more. I don't know what's more satisfying, hearing moaning or being able to be the only one who gets to touch him the way I do. After a few more minutes, he tugged at my hair but I knew he was close to him climax, this time, I wanted to taste him instead of just jerking him off like the last few times.

I smacked his hand away as he then started warning me that he was close, I didn't care, I wanted to taste him just like he has before. I was curious, I wanted to know what he tasted like.

"Daddy!" he moaned as he climaxed in my mouth, I didn't want to waste any of it, I gulped everything down and I looked up at him as he was still trying to catch his breath.

I licked the corner of my lip as some of it wanted to escape, "You taste amazing."

He turned a darker shade of red before he chuckled, "And it seems like you need help too." He pointed at my pants.

"Well then, look what you made me do," I gave him a playful glare.

"Let me fix that for you... Daddy Joon."

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