Chapter 15: Jisoo

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Yes, Jisoo from BP.

Hoseok's POV

I stared at the ceiling, my mind was a wreck

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I stared at the ceiling, my mind was a wreck. Do I still love GA JR? What happens if I break up with Jisoo and JR just ends up rejecting me? My emotions were all over the place, how can you love two people at the same time? How can you choose to stay with one without hurting the other one? Why am I in this situation?

I was frustrated, I didn't want to hurt them, especially not Jisoo. She has been there for me when GA JR went missing. She hugged me when I cried, she cheered me up when I was about to cry. How can I just dump her like that? Why? Just why am I in this situation in here? Why am I stuck in between? I got up from my bed with Jisoo still sleeping and grabbed my boxers and put them on as I went out to the balcony for fresh air. I felt like I was suffocating.

But then again, how can I forget GA JR? I felt miserable, I felt like trash with all honestly. I put both my hands on the rail and sighed as the cold wind flew by me. I grabbed my hair and pulled it. What should I do? I'm so confused, I don't know how to get out of this situation.

I then started to recall my memories with GA JR, and my eyes started to water. I'm sorry... I couldn't keep my promise. Please... forgive me.

"Hobi, promise me that no matter what, you'll wait for me," she looked deep into my eyes as she was leaving for her mission.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a slow and passionate kiss, she wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss. I broke the kiss and spoke, "I'll wait for you for as long as I live. I love you, and I promise you that no matter what, I'll always love you."

She had tears in her eyes, "I'll come back as soon as I'm done with this mission, I promise you. I'll return to your embrace."

"You better, or else, someone will be punished for not keeping her promise," I smirked and she scrunched her nose.

"Same to you Daddy, if you break your promise, Baby Girl will have to come and punish you for not keeping it!" she pecked my lips and I chuckled.

"But please do take care, I don't want our child to be in pain with you," I put my hand on her abdomen and she blushed.

"I'll be extra careful if I'm pregnant, I don't know if I'm really pregnant or not, but I'll still be extra careful," she told me and this time, I pecked her lips.

"Come back to me, okay?" I put my forehead against hers as we both closed our eyes and stayed like that for a while as the sun started to rise and the colors of the sky started to get vivid again. This sunrise reminds me of that promise I couldn't keep.

I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry, I then felt my tears roll down my face and I felt someone back hug me, it was Jisoo.

"Hobi, is everything okay?" she asked.

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