Chapter 6: Bite Marks

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Yoongi's POV

He was just biting himself

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He was just biting himself... and tasting his blood as if it was some kind of sweet liquid. He had bite marks all over his arms and wrists. My small eyes never went so wide until now. I turned away and I heard his whispering something under his breath. I didn't really catch what he was saying, but he was asking to stop.

What the hell should I do? Should I just walk on him or knock the door to ask his permission to enter and act as if I didn't see his marks? so many questions and double thoughts came to mind. What if he attacks me? HE is not tied up like I thought he would be if he was so dangerous. Min fucking Yoongi, grow some balls and face your fears you asshole. You have been in the Navy for a reason, remember: Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Have courage and stop him. He might be stronger than you but at least make him stop.

I took a deep breath and turned back to him, but this time he was in the small window and his dark eyes stared holes into my soul. His eyes were intimidating, but something about those eyes reminded me of someone in the back of my head.

"Hey kiddo," I told him in a monotone voice.

"I'm not a kid, I'm a psycho," he told me.

"I know that, will you let me in?" I asked.

"Unless you wanna be my victim," he told me.

"Nice, enough with your little games and back off if you don't want me to wank your feet with the door," I gave him a determined glare, but in reality, I was shaking in fear, what the heck is wrong with me?

He chuckled and did as he was told. I unlocked his room and entered, it was dark but incredibly organized. Why was it not messy and things were not scattered? I took a good look at him. His straight jacket was ripped, how strong is he? That thing doesn't rip in pieces so easily, how did he manage to rip it and break free?

"Give me your arms," I ordered him.

He flinched and back away.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to treat your wounds," I told him.

"I don't believe you, you're just like them," he told me.

That took me off guard, "I'm sane, I'm not insane like you. So hurry and give me your arms so that I can treat the wounds you've made."

"Stop acting as if you care, I might have lost my sanity but not my common sense," he retorted.

"Okay," I nodded. "What is your common sense telling you right now?"

"To not trust you," he told me.

I sighed, "Look-" I looked at the folder with his name. "Jimin, I'm here to help you, not to torture you."

"Do you think I'm naive like the rest? That I'm going to be all soft and obedient and act as if what you're going to do to me is for the best of me? Hah!" he threw his head back, what was he talking about? "You'd think me a fool if you think I'm going to let you do all of those things to me."

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"What? Are you stupid or what?" he retorted.

I sighed once more, "I'm new here, I know nothing of what they do here."

"Oh, so you're going to ask them to teach you? Are you that cruel? Pfft, bullshit," he threw me a glare before he looked forward.

"I'll be back," I told him.

"Don't ever return," he told me.

I ignored him and locked him in his room once more. I quickly went up to the secretary in the front and asked her where was the First Aid Kit, she had one just beside her so she gave it to me. I thanked her and went rushing back to his room before he hurt himself further.

Asshole, making me run when I'm literally exhausted from walking all the way here. God dammit Namjoon, you got everything ready but not a CAR?! I thought to myself as I then unlocked his room and then he looked at me confused.

"I'm not letting you touch me, I don't know you," he bluntly told me.

"Then how do you make friends?" I asked him.

"Why the hell do I want friends for? They will all stab you behind your back anyway," he told me.

I sighed heavily, "Do you want me to treat you or not?"

"No, I don't want you to," he told me.

This dude really is testing my own patience, I sighed and nodded. "Okay, let's do something."

He looked at me skeptically, "What?"

"Let's play rock, papers, scissors," I told him.

"That's too childish for an old man like you," he smirked.

"I'm old and unenergetic, but I still have the strength to pull through, so stop making me feel older and let me tell what happens if I win and you lose," I told him.

"I never lost in a Rock, Paper, scissors game, so you'll lose. But I'm in, I wanna see you fail so bad," he grinned and I let that slip.

"Okay, if you win, I won't treat your wounds. You can bleed out as much as you want, and not get treated by me," I paused and he tilted his head.

"What happens if you win?" he asked.

"I will treat your wounds and try to help you get better, you will have to listen to me, and let me treat you so you will have to stop being their favorite testing and experimenting toy," I gave him a little glare.

"You don't mean everything you just said, except the obeying part," he told me.

"Try me, I'm a man who keeps his words," I grinned a little.

"Right, just like the old ones," he shook his head.

Jimin-ah... how bad did they abuse you? I thought, he didn't believe me.

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