Chapter 21: GA JR?

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Jisoo's POV

It was getting very late, almost 12:30 AM by now

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It was getting very late, almost 12:30 AM by now. I waited for Hoseok to come back home. It was so late and I'm worried, did he drink too much with the boys? That must be it. He texted me that he was going to hang out with the guys and to not wait for him for Dinner. I was happy because he always thought of me beforehand, what have I done to deserve such a caring Boyfriend?

I then heard the bell ring and I knew it was the boys with him on their shoulders. Namjoon and Jin looked at me with an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry, he got really drunk this time," Namjoon chuckled.

"It's okay, it must have been a hard day for him and he needed time to relax," I told them and they carried him to the bed and I took off his shoes.

"Please take care Jisoo, see you tomorrow when he wakes up," Jin gave me a quick pat on the head and Namjoon shook hands with me.

After they left, I went to Hoseok and stared at him groaning. I decided to sit on the edge of the bed and he opened one of his eyes and smiled so sweetly at me.

"My love, come to Daddy," he opened his arms wide and I giggled as I laid beside him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead. "I missed you, I missed you so much."

I giggled, "I missed you too."

"It hurts being away from you for a long time," he told me.

"Wow, do you love me that much?" I looked at him while a smirk appeared on my face.

"Yes, baby girl," he sighed. "And it hurts so bad when you're away..." I saw tears in his eyes, wow, he really does love me that much.

I quickly sat up and held his face between both of my hands and kissed him. His tears rolled down and I kissed them away. Why is he crying? What was wrong? What's troubling him?

"Don't ever leave me alone," he choked out.

"I'll never leave you," I assured him as I put my forehead against his.

I kissed him once more and this time, he put his hand behind my head and kissed me passionately. As if he truly meant that he missed me so much, it was a desperate kiss with so much feeling into it. His other hand tugged at the end of my nightgown and pulled it up.

WARNING: 21+ content! You might just skip to the very last paragraph in order to understand what's about to happen.

He sat me on his lap meanwhile he was busy taking off my nightgown and me busy unbuttoning his shirt. He stopped the kiss meanwhile he quickly took off my nightgown and threw it to the side of the bed. When I looked at him again, I never felt so scared of his fierce and lustful eyes, it was as if he wanted to eat me and kill me mercilessly. I felt a shiver run down my spine as he started to place new hickeys on my chest.

My breath was shaky as he then started to suck on my right boob and pleasure my other nipple with his hand. I quickly found my way to his belt and unbuckled it from him, I unbutton his pants and unzipped them. He stopped sucking on my nipple and gave me a glare. I froze.

"Not this time Baby Girl, this time, Daddy will reward you," he told me. I felt my heart skip a beat, he could not mean to do other things with me... right? He suddenly pushed me down in our King sized bed. He hovered above me and pulled me closer to him, his breathing was shaky and he started to lick my neck as he then started to place hickeys he never left before.

He was always careful of my own image, he didn't want anyone to see how wild he could get, but I guess that tonight's the exception, what made him change his mind? He gripped my thighs and started to massage my inner thighs, making me excited for what was going to come.

I let out moans and he smirked against my skin, damn, since when has he been this wild? He went down to my collarbone, to my stomach. I shivered once his hot breath hit my wet core. I was starting to ache, I needed him now or else I would lose my patience.

Before I knew it, his tongue was exploring inside me. I gasped as he then bit my clit softly, sending shivers down my spine and grip the bed sheets. I felt so much pleasure, I was a moaning mess as he was eating me like I was some type of candy, like he couldn't get enough of his favorite ice cream flavor. He paused and I whined.

"You taste so good," he said as started to eat me out once more. I wanted more, I needed more. I grabbed his hair and pushed him down further, he smirked and swirled his tongue around my clit and bit it once more, making me gasp from the sudden wave of pleasure.

"H-Hobi..." I panted and he hummed at me. "I... I need you... now..."

He looked up at me and smirked, "But first you need to come on Daddy's face Baby Girl, Daddy wants to taste your sweetness."

Before I could protest against that, he was now again eating me out and I felt my climax close, I kept moaning out his name as I came on his face and he started to lick me clean.

"That's a good girl, Daddy will now give you what you have been yearning for," he bit his lower lip and took his pants and boxers off, revealing just how hard and veiny his cock was. He positioned himself in between my legs and I let out a sharp moan when his tip was touching my sensitive core. Without warning, he slammed himself into me. He gripped my thighs and started to fuck me like there was no tomorrow. I started to scream his name as he kept hitting my G-Spot so perfectly that I rolled my eyes back and arched my back.

He put both my legs on his shoulders and started to pound into me, I was shaking so bad because of the pleasure he was causing me. I scratched his back and he groaned sexily.

"Does Baby Girl like that?" he asked me.

"I... I lo-love it D-Daddy," I moaned out.

He chuckled and kept his fast speed, it was so unlike him. He used to be gentle and sped up only when I asked him to, he always worried about being too rough with me, but tonight he really expressed how much he missed me. And... I loved that. His thrusts became more sloppy and messy, he was so close to climax as well. I felt my third orgasm building up and a few more thrusts, we came together.

He slowly pulled himself off of me and some of his precious sperm came out as well. He laid beside me and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he panted, catching his breath with me.

"That was... Amazing," I told him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he chuckled as he panted.

"I'm so... drained... tired," I told him.

He panted, "Me too."

"I love you Hoseok," I smiled and buried my face in his chest.

"I love you too... GA JR," he told me.

I froze right then and there, did he just called me by her name? I slowly looked at him and he was already sound asleep. So he fucked me... thinking that I was her? I felt tears in my eyes and anger rising in my stomach.

I fucking hate you GA JR, I hope you died and never came back. You knew I loved him before you even got to know him and yet, you stole him from me. And when I got the chance of getting rid of you, I finally had hi all for myself. But now... Now I'll make sure you're really dead. You're too weak to fight me, you'll be an easy prey.

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