Chapter 14: The Text

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Yoongi's POV

If I already told JR, I should tell Hoseok as well

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If I already told JR, I should tell Hoseok as well. He will be so surprised and shocked when he finds out his first love is still alive. I quickly took out my phone and told Jimin to sit beside me on his bed. He looked over my shoulder as I unlocked my phone and entered Hoseok's Text.

"Who calls his friend 'Hoseokie'?" Jimin asked.

"He's not just my friend, he is my brother from another family," I told him.

"You guys are that close?" he looked at me with his little smile falling.

"We have been working together for a long time, so yeah, we treat each other like family," I told him.

"Can I be part of that family too?" he asked, frowning.

"Sure thing Mochi, you are always welcome to the family as long as you don't cause many problems," I patted his head and he groaned.

"Stop treating me like a kid," he told me.

"Stop acting like one, now come on, let's tell Hoseok about JR," I told him.

"You haven't told him yet?!" he looked at me in disbelief.

"I'm not sure how he is gonna take this... it might ruin his relationship with Jisoo, they have been dating for almost a year now," I told him.

"Then hurry and tell him before he finds out himself and ends up dead!" he told me and I chuckled.

"He's not gonna die, but he will be very shocked. And probably a little disappointed at himself," I told him.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because GA JR was his first love to which he promised eternal love, but as much as he searched for her, he couldn't find her and Jisoo was always there to cheer him up. So eventually, they started to have feelings and Hoseok decided to move on. That's why he will be disappointed with himself," I told him.

"Yeah... Even GA JR was extremely upset. We better keep an eye on her once we all get out of here," he told me.

"I would never agree more with you Mochi," I nodded and started to text Hoseok.

Yah, Hoseok, are you busy?

Not really, but what is it?

Um, guess who I found in this horrid place?

Hyung, I don't know, I'm not gonna play the guessing game with you.

You will be shocked once you know who it is.

... You liar, she is dead. Stop talking shit, will you?

Have I ever lied to you before?

You can't be serious hyung... She's alive...?

Yes, and Hoseok... she lost her child two years ago. She told me she tried to protect the little fetus but... with all the physical abuse they did to her... she lost the baby...

I'll kill those motherfuckers once I get my hands on them! 

Whoa, chill, she is not so happy with you either, she already knows about you and Jisoo. So getting close to her will be dangerous, don't get near her unless you wanna die. Got it?

She... knows...?

She kept asking how you were and your well being, but she asked me if you were with someone else and I didn't respond to her because I didn't know what to tell her, I told her today and she broke down. Hoseok... her knuckles were bleeding and her wall was smeared with blood when she told me she wanted to be alone, so please, don't get near her if you appreciate being alive.

Hyung... I fucked up... 

Yah, you looked for her, that counts as not fully giving up on her. You had hope in finding her, but Jisoo was always there to courage you, it's normal to fall in love with someone else when you think you lost the love of your life. Just one thing Hoseok, don't fuck up this time with Jisoo. She has been there for you for a long time and she was genuine with her feelings. Don't break her heart as well, I don't want two crazy bitches after your head.

Hyung... Thank you... Bye... 

"Is he going to be okay?" Jimin asked.

"Only time will tell Mochi, I know that right now he is in shock. He can do a lot of stupid things with that head of his. He needs to calm down and think what he is going to do before he messes up again," I told him and Jimin patted my back.

"He'll do what's right, I may not know him personally, but if he's like a brother to you, then he must be wise as well," he told me.

I smiled at him, "Stop being so cute for God's sake!" I ruffled his hair and he chuckled.

"I'm not even trying though?"

Hoseok's POV

I looked over at Jisoo still sleeping after what we did last night, she was dreaming soundly and peacefully like an angel

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I looked over at Jisoo still sleeping after what we did last night, she was dreaming soundly and peacefully like an angel. She really did stay by my side when I most needed her, but what is this feeling in my gut? Why am I so afraid? Do I still love GA JR?

I felt tears in my eyes when I looked back at the texts, She lost my child because they abused her physically... JR... Are you okay now...?

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