Chapter 22: Secret Agent

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Ash's POV

"Ash, I need you to do me a favor since you have been GA JR's best friend for a long time," Commander Namjoon told me

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"Ash, I need you to do me a favor since you have been GA JR's best friend for a long time," Commander Namjoon told me.

"What is it, Commander?" I asked, trying so hard not to blush as I felt his eyes on me. I knew he was with Jin, but my heart still beats so hard against my chest just at the sound of his voice.

"I need you to go undercover and make sure no one hurts GA JR. As far as I know, she has some enemies and I don't want her to get more hurt than she already has been. I need you to pretend to be a nurse, only the Hospital will know, and since you do know some medical things, you can perfectly pass as a nurse in the Hospital. If you see someone trying something funny, tackle them down and arrest them," he stared at me seriously.

I felt a shiver run down my spine, he sure looked scary when he looked dead serious, I nodded and took the folder he had at hand. It was a folder holding the pictures of GA JR's injuries.

Holy shit... who the fuck dares to do this to her...? I felt hot tears of anger and indignation rising as I held my breath.

It hurts to see her in pain, but she had various surgery scars, and some were still fresh from a couple of weeks ago. I quickly went to my desk and broke down silently in tears. I then heard high heels clicking my way and I looked up to someone who I hadn't seen in so long. What was she doing here?

"Ash Unnie, do you want to accompany me to see GA JR?" she smiled.

"Sure thing, just let me get my things," I wiped my tears and grabbed my purse as I went out with her beside me. I drove to the Hospital as I started to recall those pictures that were lingering in my head. She must have been so weak. If someone were to attack her now, she won't be able to fight back. She lost a lot of blood and her stitches are fresh, if someone were to go there now and hurt her... she would probably pass out and they would take that chance to end her right then and there.

Jisoo's POV

I saw the monitor going up and down in a steady heartbeat, I had sneaked in with a nurse costume and managed to not get noticed because of the mask I was wearing

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I saw the monitor going up and down in a steady heartbeat, I had sneaked in with a nurse costume and managed to not get noticed because of the mask I was wearing. I had the extra pillow in my hand.

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