Chapter 38: Confused

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1004's POV

I finally arrived, looked down at my phone and tracked the phone number that was on the screen

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I finally arrived, looked down at my phone and tracked the phone number that was on the screen. I had to invade a private jet that was going to New Zealand. I jumped when the wheels were getting pulled up. I hid where the wheels were stored until we arrived. I took in the new scenery and followed the red dot on my phone.

I followed the red dot until I was in front of this building, it was starting to get dark in here in New Zea. Right, that's when she and her husband arrive here for the TV Show. Park Miu and Park Jisung. My mission and my reward. However, I don't know about their child. Should I kill her? After all, she only wants Miu and Jisung, not the toddler.

I was dressed as some of the staff, with glasses and a suit with makeup and glasses to hide my identity. My bangs were long so part of my face was covered. I walked in with some people and blend in with them since they somewhat had suits too.

I smiled to myself, this was going to be a good and easy mission. Since she knows who GA JR is, it should be easy to convince them that they were no longer in danger and that they could come back to Korea.

I zoomed in on my phone screen and went up to the 5th floor of this building where they were getting ready to shoot air. I followed the dot and went up to the Dressing room. The door was slightly opened. I was about to go in when I heard them playing with their little girl. I froze in place.

They looked so happy, the little girl was giggling as her father lifted her up and in the air and kissed her cheek. Miu was getting out some food for the toddler and Jisung put her in her lap as Miu then started to play the Plane Game with her daughter.

"Here comes the plane! Say 'Ahh~'" she opened her mouth and the little girl copied her mother.

"Ahh~" she said and Miu put the Applesauce in her daughter's mouth and they both hummed.

"Is it delicious Alondra?" Miu asked.

"Yes, mommy! I want more!" the little girl giggled and they both laughed a little.

As I watched them, my felt something break inside me. I felt envious of the little girl, I felt angry, I felt jealous. I never had that type of relationship with Master, nor from Jooheon. I didn't have parents, I was just a fucking freak, a fucking clone.

For the first time in my existence, I felt jealous of a child. I feel watching as they have their family time. Why do I feel this weird water in my eyes? Why is this weird liquid running down my cheeks? Why is it hard to breathe? What kind of unpleasant and chest-tightening feeling is this called?

What am I feeling? I don't understand. I never felt envious of a little girl until now. Just... why can't I stop looking? Why can't I stop wishing it was me in her place?

Is this what you call tears? Is this what you call emotional pain? Is this called wanting to be loved? Is this what they call paternal love? Why do I hurt? I don't need love, I was created to kill, not to feel feelings. What is happening to me? IS my code cracking? What Jooheon built is breaking down.

I should kill them all for making me feel this way, but why can't I stop looking? Why do I like to torture myself? What is going on with me? Am I malfunctioning now? Damn it, I didn't want this to happen so soon.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I flinched, not expecting someone to interrupt me from staring at the beautiful family.

"Hey, can you tell them to be ready in 5 minutes? We're about to go live right now," a young man told me and I nodded.

I quickly wiped my tears and went in, they all looked at me and Miu had an unreadable expression on her face.

"GA JR?! What are you doing here?" she smiled so brightly at me and she came to give me a warm hug, I awkwardly returned the hug and we separated.

"And who are these amazing people with you?" I asked, faking a big smile on my face.

"Ah, this is my amazing family, and this is my marvelous husband, Jisung," she dragged me to them and Jisung smiled at me, holding his daughter with one arm and extending his hand towards me.

"Nice to meet you," he smiled lightly and when I shook his hand, he tightened his grip on my hand and I squeezed his hand, him adjusting a shocked expression as his eyes widen slightly. "Wow, you're pretty strong."

"Hasn't Miu told you about me?" I cocked an eyebrow and he chuckled.

"She has, but never mentioned how Admiral is very strong, I mean, normally women tend to be-" Miu elbowed his on his left rib and he looked at her.

He was not very fond of me, I could tell that, but... why? What has GA JR done to him that he doesn't like her... Well, like me in other words since I'm basically her too.

"So, GA JR, why did you die your hair? Ash told me that you cut your hair short like a man's, not that you died it," Miu asked me.

"Oh, this?" I pointed at my hair, "Um, I put a wig on so that no one would recognize me. I believe that your sister is going after you."

Her eyes went wide, "She-she... she knows where I am?"

I nodded, "And I think it's best if we leave after the show, just to prevent them from finding you guys," I told them and someone came to take Jisung to the stage where he is the MC and entertain everyone with his attendance.

"We'll go as soon as he is done. He will tell his boss to transfer him to Seoul. We need to get away from here if they are looking for us in here. If we move back to Seoul, she won't expect it since she will think we're somewhere else," Miu told me.

I smiled, "You sure are smart, like always."

She blushed, "Th-thank you GA JR unnie."

Oh, you have no idea who you're talking to, I thought as my smile widen.

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