1.3 Minus 3

13K 398 29

He comes to our house after sending me home.
Oh my god, I am so happy Lily.

Good for you.

What's going on with you?
Anything bad happen today,Lily?

Nothing happen, Yuqi.
Go on, with that Jeon guy.

Well, he introduce me to his friends.
You know, they are kinda famous here.
I also introduced toward their girlfriend who's apparently famous too in here.

Wow, I can tell that it's your golden lifetime now.

I think so, Lily.
I don't need to have lunch alone nowadays.
They are so fine.

Make sure you are always be careful, yeah!
I don't want you to get hurt.

It's okay, I am fine Lily.
Jungkook will protect me, I am happy with him.
And he ask me to go to a party tomorrow night.

Oh yeah, it's Friday night tomorrow.
You sure will come with him?

Sure. Why?

You are not a party person.
Still remember how annoying you were dragging me out from my friend's birthday party.

It was the past, Lily.
And beside, Jungkook was there.
Oh and can you choose me the dress for tomorrow?
I will send you the pictures.

Well, darling. As long as I know, we have total opposite side of taste in fashion.

But you always know how to grab the attention with your fashion.

And you hate attention, Yuqi.

I want it, at least from Jungkook.

You are totally so whipped toward him.

I mean, who won't.
If you know him you will like him too, I can assure it.

Well, I didn't have intention to meet him in my life time.
I wish he is not like what you heard from other people.
About him, being such a jerk and playboy.

Hey, even a murderer can change.

And you will said that you will be the one who will change him?

Why not?

I wish.
Send me the pictures real quick.
I need to go.

At this time?

I need to go to party.
Send me now! Okay.
See you, next time, Yuqi.

Okay bye, Lily.
Love you.

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