Extra Chap [Jeon]

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"J." Her voice can be heard from the living room make the boy looking up.

"Yeah mom." Said the 6 years old boy and walk toward the room where his mother is. "Do you need something?"

She smiles and nodded while pointing to the little princess in her crib.

"Can you accompany the little princess here?"

"Of course mom. Where will you go?" He take a comfortable spot on the bed to lay while the mother stand up ready to leave the room.

"Gonna make dinner for daddy." She said softly. "He'll come in an hour."

"Dad ask you to let auntie Jia to cook." He frowns.

"Dad like mom's handmade food." She said and waving her hand while walking away.

"You are stubborn." She startled when she feels hand circling on her hips and someone nuzzling his nose on her neck. She chuckled.

"And you like it."

"True." He then flip her body so they went face to face. He caressed her cheeks and lips. "How's Jeonsa?"

"She mumbles today."

"Really?" He said in a shock tone and his bunny smile spread widely. "I want to hear her."

"Later." She softly said and pecking his lips. "Clean yourself and have your dinner after that." She spank his butt playfully and an idea popped up in his head before his smirk created smoothly.

"J with Jeonsa?" She nods still clueless. "Wanna bathing together?" And she beat his bicep make him laugh.

"Jeon~" she groans. "You had two kids now." She whined and tapping her  feet on the floor.

"Didn't I tell you I want 7?"

"Do you think I am a cat?" She answer with a gasp make him curling his fingers because she just too cute to be handled. "No. I want some time to raise the two of them well." She said again make Jungkook pouting.

"Ok." He said after slumping his shoulder down and walking toward their room to do whatever she ask him to do. Because she is the boss in this house. The queen in his heart.

"I wish you were here unnie." Said Lisa sadly as she looks at a woman picture in on of the cemetery. Its the death anniversary, 2 years after her unnie, Jennie and Taehyung announced to be one of the plane crash victim. And since that day, her heart aches in a fucking strange way.

She should have treat Jennie better.

"You know, I and Jungkook have another monster in the family. Her name is Jeonsa Manoban." She try hard to stay strong watching the picture of Jennie with her signature gummy smile. "She is 6 months old now. She can mumbling, I wish you could be here to tell me that I am doing okay. That you are okay."

"I cant get over of the regret, that we can end up better than this. If only I can stop Yoongi oppa to marry Miyeon. If only, I never show up." The tears betraying her. It falls one by one making the man near the door watching at his wife worriedly. But he already promise that he will take care of their 2 little angles while she mourns.

"You know Namjoon oppa will have the baby with Alice very soon, Hoseok oppa engaged with Ryujin, Jimin and Rosé have Aaron and live happily in Busan, Jin and Jisoo finally can loving each other after Soobin born to the earth blessing all the soul with his smile." She smiles by replaying all the memories of happiness from her friends one by one but then when her memories reminding her with a deep voice man she curled her finger on her chest tightly

"How's Taehyung oppa?" She ask and put her hand on the glass which is separating the pictures with her. "How's Yoongi oppa?" The aches become more and more hurtful for her to handle. "I wish the happiness for the three of you."



"How do you think will happen if Jennie unnie, Taehyung oppa and Yoongi oppa is still alive?"


It will be better."


"But this is what they choose, doll. You need to believe that they are happy no matter what. Because their sacrifice is worth it."



"Please stay with me forever!"

"Tsk, then lets have another kids."

"I hate you, Jeon."

"I hate you more-


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