4.2 Golden Card

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"Do you like it?" He asked sitting behind her, looking at the night sky smiling sniffing her scent, feeling happy covering their body with a new wide blanket that he brought this morning from the supermarket.

"What? Had sex in nature?" She asked back innocently and took her hand up to catch one star, which is soon catched by his hand, he catches his own star. Chuckled while kissing the top of her head who's now back facing him, feeling their naked body skin to skin, warmly.

"No. The star." She then shyly chuckled too. How embarrassing. "But thats too. The sex."

"Hmm. I like it." She answered composing herself from the embarrassment.

"Which one?" He teased and she playfully elbowing his stomach make him groan.

"You think?"

"I think both." He murmured and hugging her body under the blanket. "Thank you. Doll. I don't know what should I do if there wasn't you by my side."

"Hmm." She responded shortly but he already feel its enough. He used to the savage and lazy Yoongi, and why not for his lovely one? "Busan is good." She added. "The star shining brighter here than Seoul."

He smiles and biting lightly on her neck down to her shoulder make her whimpered. "Do you want to live here?" He asked and she could only moan softly when he nibbled on her ear.

"Alone?" She whispered weakly merely heard but he still can hear it.

"Stupid. Of course with me. Why did you live alone here without your husband?"

"Husband." She states smiling, if only it could be happen. "Do you think you love me enough to make you willing to marry me?" He widening his eyes and the grabbing her shoulder to turn her to face him.

"I love you, can't you understand why this is beating this fast when I am with you?" He then took her hand and placed it on his chest. Feeling his crazy heart beat. She doesn't know the reason why. The most reasonable thing was maybe because he feel aroused to see her and he want to fuck her because after they did it in Japan, he almost everyday planting his seed diligently in her. Because if its because of love, he is too careless to capable feeling that deep shit.

"But you won't know what mistake I could make to make you hate me so mu-"

"I won't hate you. And yes. I will still marry you no matter what happen." He stubbornly said not really thinking of what she said before.

"Be careful with your words, Jeon." She spoke caressing his damp bang which is make him closing his eyes, contended. "Don't speak something you won't know." She then touching his chin. Nose. And lips down to his jaw. "What if you hates me and I sue you with the words you just said?"

And he found a grin on that smile. She want to have him by herself. She becomes greedy everytime he act cute and sweet. "Sue me then. Dont let me forget what I just said."

"What if I don't want to do that for you?"

"You will."

"You sure about that? What if that time you fall for a prettier woman than me, richer, kinder-"

"She could fuck off with that perfection." He hissed and opening his eyes, looking right to her one. "Because I just want you. Only you. So stop me."

"I won't stop you if you will be happier with that woman."

"No. You will stop me."


"Because I still have that golden card."

"You are foxy." She then playfully and softly slapping his chin make him chuckled.

"I said I'll use it wisely." She motion to look away but he hold her both hands make her to look at him, he put her hands to cup his cheeks. "I am serious, Lalice. If one day I forget the words, or there is a reason I choose to marry someone else, come and drag me out. Steal me."

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