5.5 Tae-Hyung

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"Move away, I am not going to play your game." She said as she opening her door, thinking that she will has her peaceful day after she knew that Jungkook had trap her to be his girlfriend.

"What's game?" He asked and show her his innocent face. But sorry, she wont buy it.

"You and two of your brothers bet." She answered and his step halted immediately.

She knew.

"And its no. Thanks, Tae."

"Greet Lisa properly from now on." Jungkook said after he blow the candle. Its his birthday. And sneakily he wrap his hand around her waist make her squirming a little, uncomfortable. "She is not only our friend, but she is also my girlfriend."

DAMN, I am late.

(re-read chapter 2.7 Disgusting)

I know this is wrong. I listen up on Lisa and Namjoon hyung conversation about Jungkook. And I cant understand her feeling.

She knows everything what he did behind her back, and she doesn't blame him for that. Saying that's because of her.

For god sake, why is that caused by her when all the fault was on Jungkook side. He was spoiled and always get everything he want wrap around his finger easily. That why he never appreciate anything.

But I feel so sad and angry for her.

"Not everyone like sex, huh?" I joke around after I train myself to get rid of my nervousness. Taking step to approach her, after Namjoon hyung left.

She looks startled and relaxed after good seconds. And shrug her shoulder while shaking her head, smiling.

"You have such a hobby." She talked and I laugh with her. I was looking at our front where Jungkook sat, having Rosé on his laps, caressing her hips and laughing at Hobi hyung joke. I clenched my jaw.

"You'll break your beautiful jaw bone." She said without sparing me stare and I am blushing uncontrollably. She just praise me and I cant even say thank you because I was too afraid that I will stomping my feet, jumping happily because of that in front of her.

No fucking way.

"He is cheating." I tell her even thought I am blushing mess.

"Let him be." She said calmly.

"Where is your heart?"

"It dead." And my heart broken after she said that.

I want those dead heart to love me back.

(re-read chapter 3.1 Another beginning)

She was wearing his shirt, and he looks so proud of that. I know, that he forced her. She looks like someone with heartless feeling, but still choose to stay with him.

So I decide to talk to her, to ease my feeling. Maybe this is only a little fling. I cant hurt my friend by taking his girlfriend.

Our little talk become an heavy one when she asked me why don't all of us helping Jungkook to realize that everything he did was wrong.

I frown.

And her words somehow make me scared. Fear growing inside of me. A girl like her wont hurt anyone.

"You wont hurt him." I state more to myself. I studied her facial expression and as usual, there is no trace of that. An emotionless barbie doll. Not his barbie doll. Jungkook's barbie doll.

"And why'd you think so?" She scared me.

"Because you love him." I assuring her, wishing that she will nods but no,  she chuckled.

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