2.14 Judge

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"Lisa, stop." Shout Jungkook as he approach the hallway which is full with the students. They are all cheering for the fight between Lisa and Yaegi in the middle of lunch break. He and his friends was waiting for her to come to cafeteria but she never come, if it's not because of Jimin who open his dance group chat which is talking about the fight they will never know.

Then there the girl he claim as girlfriend holding Yaegi's hair pretty tight yanking it to the left and right earning scream from Yaegi. Everyone make way for Jungkook and his friends, and not wasting more time Jungkook jump between the two girl while try his best to let Yaegi's hair go from Lisa's grip.

"Fuck, just let it go doll. What is wrong with you?" he hissed when Lisa scratch Jungkook's hand with her long nail. Unintentionally.

"What is wrong with me?" Lisa snap at him, face flushed red, angry. "Ask her what is wrong with me." She then let the girl's hair go harshly. "Teach her how to stop bitching around while you two fucking each other."

Gasp heard from everywhere, of course everyone know that Jungkook is in relationship with Lisa and they also know that Jungkook can't keep his hand away from girls, can't keep his dick from sticking on a pussy. Sometime they wonder how Lisa manage to keep calm and act like she doesn't know, now they know that she felt uncomfortable too.

Jungkook chuckled mockingly toward Lisa while scratching his hair frustrate. He clearly doesn't like the idea talking about his personal thing, just like this one in front of public.

"Thought you cant feel jealous, girlfriend. Why is too late?" he mocked, but still Lisa will not buy it.

"I just need space, I don't care about of whoever you fuck with. The thing what I care is my private life, teach them how to respect others life. Or if you cant, I will." She spat and then taking her bag from the floor, cleaning her hand from the hair of Yaegi.

She leave him speechless and taking step away from the crowded, but she halted her step and look back at him and Yaegi who is now clinging on his right hand.

"And one thing, Jeon." She smile sadly toward him and Yaegi, and back to the man. "You are not the center of the universe. So behave."

"fuck, she is savage." Someone said lowly from the crowd, it's a man voice.

"I like her style, totally my type." Said another one making Jungkook darting his gaze toward the crowd.

"One more word about my girlfriend out from your mouth, I will make you regret to breath the same air as mine."

"Hey." She frowned when the first face she sees in the morning in front of her front door is his. He already ruined her day yesterday by snapping at her in front of crowd, because of his slut. Just because that woman give him her pussy. And now he simply smiling, flirting in front of her door while holding a bucket of roses. 

She hates rose.

She was about to close the door and choose to skip her class for the morning when Jungkook stubbornly holding the door open for him.

"Oh wait wait wait .. we need to talk." He said panicked. She rolled her eyes and letting him in, he is just too strong and she is not even bothering to have breakfast or dinner last night.

"But I don't need something to talk with you. So mind to go out from my place." She said bored pointing toward the already closed door .

"I am sorry. Ok." After short silence he finally said that words. The words he rarely spoke. He never have reason to ask for apologize but knowing how high her ego he just gave up. For the sake of world peace.

"Sorry for what?" she asked not satisfied with how he said his apologize. And he snort, guess he should swallow all of his ego whole.

"Sorry for yesterday, you know about that fight. I can assure you that Yaegi wont touch you and your business anymore." He said in one breath.

"And what about the others?"

"The others who?"

"Your ex one night stand who keep on starring at me, judging me. I am done with all of this shit, Jeon. Lets just end it." She said frustrated and now messaging her temple while take a sit on the sofa at the corner of her room.

"You can't just gave up this easily. Come on, you are not this weak." He said and take a seat beside her, put the roses on the bed and then reaching for her left hand. "You are stronger than this, Lisa."

"I know." She muttered and let him holding her hand, hold it tightly. "But are you even worth to fight? The one who keep fucking around anyone as long as they wear skirt. We are not even real, oh my gosh why am I letting myself got into this shit." She cursed with a broken tone.

He looks at her with an unknown stare. Am I worth to fight?

"I act like a desperate girl, letting her said boyfriend to flirt and sleep with another woman and act like nothing happen. They look at me concerned, but that's okay for me. I can handle it." She said lowering her tone and looking at her right side, avoiding his gaze. "But when you step between me and them, and what you expect me to do when you judge me that way? Should I let everything go, you step on my dignity. You become the prejudice dick head without even trying to know what's the matter." She sigh, deeply. "You disappointed me."

Did I?

"I mean I didn't expect much from you, in the end I was no one for you anyway. Lets stop all this childish game. I will give you back the money, and stop searching for me from now on."

"Lisa, wait!" I was waiting for her in front of the woman's dorm gate but she ignore me just like she ignore all of us, then ten of us. She keep on walking without looking my way. I should have just let her go, she cut off our relationship  and it shocked me. She really went that extra, little did I know what's others did to her.

That night, after we broke up I got drunk. I don't know why I act like a broken heart dude, I am not that weak. I can have my other toy like I change my clothes. But it feel different. I feel like I could die out of guilt to her. I don't know what happen and I judge her. She was right, I am a prejudice dick head, jesus, even she sounds sexy when she cursed.

Namjoon hyung came and let me know whats make her have fight with Yaegi. She always keep her temper low, she never felt any of emotions as jealousy. So whats make her lost her control?

"She mocked her late sister, after throwing some dirty words about how bitchy and pathetic she was for you."

Damn, she looks so vulnerable when she told my parents about her sister, who died. And I think there was no one know about that thing, I felt special to know the great secret of her but guess someone know it already.

"I fucked up, hyung." And yet I come home with random girl, fuck them to release my frustrate and regret.

Isn't that what fuckboy do?

"Stop it." Jennie said and pushed Lisa into the cubicle of woman's toilet. She is done with her behavior. Avoiding her and her friends just because Lisa felt betrayed by Jungkook. "Don't you fucking dare to avoid me. What have we done to you?".

"Let me go!" hissed Lisa while trying to let herself free but Jennie with all of her strength pushing Lisa's body more to the wall.

"Why are you avoiding us?"

"Why don't you think by yourself while you let me go. I have business to do."

"If Jungkook treat you bad, don't be mad to us. We did nothing-"

"Oh, so tell me who made the bet for Jungkook to make me his girlfriend?" there her words make Jennie widening her eyes, shocked, guilt wash over her facial expression. "Something tied your tongue?"

She snorted to see how speechless Jennie looks like. "Tell me how to not to be mad to all of you."

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