6.11 Welcome

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Late night, 8 p.m, just arrived from work. The project was so hectic that I feel regret to open a new project when I don't finish another one. I made hell for myself.

Let alone my self conscious, 7 days she never show up, at barbeque party, at Namjoon's office, nowhere. Several time I ask Namjoon hyung if she will back or not, he only shrug his shoulder and promise to call me as soon as he can communicate with Lisa again.

How funny isn't it?

I try to erase her, and with only one night sleeping together I already all up for her. She got me thinking when she were mine, and I want it again. I felt guilt growing as I see how Miyeon excitedly choosing the bucket flower for the wedding, her smile was bright when she sees the ring which is almost done.

But I cant help. I cant love two woman at once.

I open the door of my unit and find her shoe already in front of the rack, I sigh. I put the smile on my face when I walk toward my room when she always spend when she comes around.

She will always greet me with a cheek kiss, and a hug, a warm one and taking care of my warm water to bath, also for the hot chocolate before sleep. But she seems not in the mood, she frowns and looking at me as soon as I open the door, she looks so angry.

"Hey." I greet her, trying to hear excited but she look away.

"She came. Right?" I freeze at my spot and gulping. I am so sure I already take the sheet which is covered with my cum and Lisa's out, change it with a new one and also asking for the nanny to clean up everything.


"Lisa. With who you will cheat again?" She mocked and take step toward me. I hold my breath. "Did she ask you to touch her?" I stay silent and she snort. "She wont stop right? I wonder what can stop her."

"Don't touch her." I said afterwards with an anger built in my chest. She cant hurt my doll. Only me can play with her. "I gave everything for you, you wont touch her."

She chuckled. "So this is why you propose to me Kookie?" I poke my inner cheeks with my tongue. "You gave me everything huh? No kiss on the lips, no sex, no cuddle, no make out, no love. Great."

"I need time."

"Time for what? Time to forget her and see, even when you still calling her name in your sleep she already back with her devilish smile. You see, she is not as good as Yuqi, in fact she even worse than me. She came only to take the revenge on me, once you dump me, she'll leave. Just see that."

"Ok, even if everything you say is right I am trying here. I am trying to be loyal and open my heart for you." I speak softly holding the storm inside. "Despite of your temper and your true color I still try, all what I ask you let me do everything on my own, on my way. You dont need to confronting her, throwing dirt on both of our name. I only need your trust. But you never give it to me."

"Cant you see how hard I shield myself from her, but you make it harder by trying to hurt her, my self cant take it to see anyone hurting her no matter how bad she is. I cant." I look at her eyes and she keep shaking her head mouthing a no repeatedly. "I am tired, Miyeon nie."


"I leave everyone that I love for you. But you still ask more from me when I still learning to gave you a space in my small heart."


"You live longer with me, you see me growing up, you know whats inside and outside of me."


"But you still hurting me. And I am tired."


"I cant marry you."

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