3.2 Kidding

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It's 7 p.m, but the entire room felt so hot. So hot that it felt like could burn their skin, so hot so that her brain had malfunction. Too hot that she lost herself. She forget.

Every touch from his fingers sending the burn sensation on her body, make the ice melting down there, that's why it felt wet already. He sets her on fire. He makes her fly.

Little did he knows,

She hates height.

"Stop." Despite of the lust and butterflies inside of her, she manage to take all of his shit together when she hears he moans her name on her left ear.

"Fuck.." he groans, protesting of what she said. Her hand began to hold onto his hard chest, giving him weak pressure that will never make him flinch.

"Jeon, dont!" She whispered desperately, his hand holding both side of her hips, forcing it to meet with his. She felt like there was a pool between her legs. "Please."

She said again, throwing her head back, rolling her eyes on the process.

"Please what, baby?" She whispered sensually and bite the skin behind her ear, her sensitive spot. She jolted and trembling in his embrace, feel the electricity from the center of his body. He is grinding his bulge sharply knock out her breath away.

"God." He smiles to hear how he makes her desperately needy.

All of what happen now, its not happen for their will, they never intend to do that. They only deciding to eat bread that they bought from the market on the way they were from beach, rejecting the dinner offer that Jin offered.

They were laying on the bed lazily and begin to play truth and dare out of their boredom. Everything was fall perfectly, normally until he ask her to do dare to make out with him.

There they are, only on their underwear, him on top and her desperately holding her moans. He clearly satisfied with what he sees, he loves her curves. He falls for her body. He is in love with her body.

She is whining, moaning mess and it makes him more satisfied and proud. He can make the cold heartless saint like Lisa writhing under him.

The thing he doesn't know was, she hates it all.

All the touches, all the fire he sets on her, all the moan, all the groan, all the gaze and smirk on his face. She hates it.

He took Yuqi, if it's not because of him, she probably will be in the same university, being roommate, giggling over small gossips with her sister. He took it all. And to be touched by the same man who got her sister pregnant and abandoned her sister, she felt disgusting.

To him.

To herself.

But it feels right, she cant let him stop, she doesn't want him to stop.

Damn hormones.

Lily, I love him.

Fuck, I can't just had sex with the one that  Yuqi loves.

He doesn't do love.

"Noooooooooo!!!" She screams loudly make him startled, it gave her chance to push him very hard backward, and he fall from the bed to the floor.

She seems to spaced out, just like him who look at her widening his eyes and say nothing.

"I hate you, Jeon." And there the first tears she had ever shed in front of him released out of her control. And sure it make him shocked, his brain and body couldn't function well when he saw her taking the first clothes she can take and opening the door harshly.

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