2.4 Should I ?

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Loud music, hard laughing, the smell of liquor filling the place. And she hates it. If it was her, the old self her she would be happy to spent one night to another in the club just like now, did free dancing and grinding like a slut revealing dress which was successfully attracting hungry boys toward her make her pride goes up to the highest level of her egostic.

Of course that was before Yuqi left. Yuqi was a perfect daughter, the perfect heir for their family. Lisa could only be a rebel one, wasting her life for party and sex. Their parents wouldn't mind to see how Lisa did for her life. As long she is breathing.

Yuqi left and there is no one to take the heavy burden being a heir of Manoban family, everything become so strict, no party, no boys, no liquor, no life. There is only book, study, church, and study again. Suddenly the parents attention focused on her. And she hates it. She hates to be in cage, but she will hate herself more if she make her mother got hurt. So she stop. The horn suddenly become a wings, the devil is dead.

"What are you thinking?" Said the man beside her when she drown herself in her loneliness at the corner of the bartender table, sat on the chair looking at her new friends who dance on the dance floor. They laugh as if nothing is wrong with their life, just like hers, and she hates to said that she is jealous. She cant feel that way anymore. She is chained. and numbed.

"Life." She answered earning a soft chuckled from the white hair man which is named Yoongi. He was one of Rosé's friend. She casually dragged Lisa to attend the party in the club, to celebrate the friendship between me and Jungkook she said.

Friendship her ass.

"What could happen with you in such a young age, kid. Don't take everything seriously. Or you will bite your nails, losing the precious youth that will never visit you twice in your lifetime." He said, she look at him knitting her eyebrows.

"How old are you again?" She mocked because he talked like an old man. He look at her back, smirking.

"Old." He whispered. "So you make Jungkook kneel down, huh." He asked amused.

"He should learn how to press his ego. The world isn't revolved around him." She said looking at Jungkook who is now holding Rosé's waist while grinding his crotch on her ass. And Lisa can say that Rosé like the motion.

"Nice. And what about the life you've been thinking earlier?"

"And tell me why should I tell you about the life I think about?" She asked back eyes not leaving Jungkook's movement.

"Because you need to talk about it to someone else to feel light." He reasoned and he is right after all. But she was too afraid. Afraid that someone will tell her to stop and saying that she only a sinner with nothing but grudges. "And I am not like the idea of being a judge anyway." As if he could read her mind like an open book.

She bite her lips, thinking that she might telling him a tiny detail about her problem. Maybe it will make her feel better. She couldn't live like this anymore. She hates that person but at the same time she doesn't want to be a bad sister.

"I have an important person, she is precious to me." She started, and Yoongi nodded his head, looking at the bartender motioning something and the bartender nodded. "And someone hurt her, killing her physically and mentally."

Then the bartender come reserving two glass of liquor on our table.

"And I knew that person. I wanted to screw his life, their life. To make them tasting their own medicine but hell, I can't. This precious one wanting me to stop hurting them because she said it would hurt me in the end."

"And do you think you will got hurt if you hurt them?" Then Yoongi asked her, giving her a glass of the liquor which is she hesitantly received, she never drink alcohol since the day Yuqi left. She shakes her head.

"Then you should at least give them a good lesson."

Frozen with his words, she then watching Jungkook and Rosé who is now sucking each other face in front of them, gulping the liquor in one shot she finally make her decision.

"Should I?"

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