2.13 Sky Fall

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The classic music played, calming the surrounding making her shifting on her chair uncomfortably. Its only 8 p.m, half hour since Jungkook drag her from the library and drive her into this fancy restaurant, almost full of rich people wearing luxurious and expensive gown and tuxedo while she only wear her high waist jeans, her white balenciaga and simple white T-shirt, she is out of league here.

Since they take their seat, some of young woman looking at their direction, whispering, chuckling and alluring the man who's sat in front of her now, looking at her nervously after sipping the wine from his glass, anticipating anger come out from her out.

"How's the food?" He ask after she shift her gaze on him, she look at her almost clear plate, they ate beef steak with white wine, and they taste amazing.

"Fine." She beams and then looking at him suspiciously reaching for her own glass. "So, what's the deal?"

"Quick learner, I see." He beams after what she said. He tough that she need to be convince like other girl he used to date before to satisfied him, with fancy date night, and a long talk before asking for help and then a good sex. But she seems understand everything well, clearly as she look at him anticipating what he want her to do as the duty.

"Well, it's been 2 months knowing you. I am not really into well mannered Jungkook." She answered earn light chuckled from him.

"See, that's why you are my girl."


"So you have dinner with Jungkook's mother?" Said Jin oppa half teasing when I and him preparing dinner for everyone. 11 of us gathered around in his house, partying for no reason, I just guess they like to party. Typical spoiled brat.

"Guess gossip spreading like oxygen." I responded half annoyed, looking at the girls direction, Jennie unnie  currently try to talk with Yoongi oppa on the sofa, Jisoo unnie showing off her talent of balancing bottle on her head toward Hobi and Tae oppa, while Rose, well, she stare back at me while Jimin oppa try to take her attention, keep talking.

I sense something off, she totally likes Jungkook, I mean, she is more like loving him but try to deny it. We were walking almost reaching cafe in front of our university when suddenly Jungkook came, along with his mother who's hug me. The three of them looked so shock when they look at us, me, Jungkook and his mother. I wonder why.

"It's rare for Jungkook to introduce someone toward his family. Guess your relationship is in another level now." He keeps teasing on me, oh boy, another level my ass, if only you know what kind of deal I made with your little brother.

"Well, he has no option." I beam biting my nail while trying to pick sausage from the plate.

"I guess not." He said and eyeing me with that grin on his face. "I think he has soft spot for you."

I look at him, not wanting to believe all the sweet nothing he said, the hope, he won't change. Lisa, wake up! You are not up for that silly feeling, you are up for something important.

"And I believe in you." He pointed the left side of the room with his head, making me looking that way, only to find Jungkook starring at us. Or at me?

Don't fall! I was the one who warn him, I was the one.

"Well, I used to believe in things when I was a kid." Meaning not now.

"Thanks for the ride and good night." She said flatly without looking his way, and before she close the door of the room, he hold the door with his foot. She turn around to see the foot of his and then looking at his face. "What?".

"Not asking me to come over?" he said with that toothy bunny smile painted on his face, what makes him happy like that anyway, she thought.

"It's bloody 11 p.m, Jeon." She said half whispering half shouted toward his face and look at the right and left, not wanting to be caught by anyone, even though she know no one will be brave enough to pick a fight over Jungkook's gang. "To let you entering that door already put me in such a big risk." She pointed at the main door. "Please be nice for today, and go. Hush.." she shoo him away make the boy chuckled.

"Well, I can sleep over if you are that afraid to be caught."

"Fuck off." She cursed earning light laugh from him, he likes the way she cursed, it sounds so sexy. Let alone the effect it made toward the thing between his legs. Naughty.

"Yeah, let's fuck."

"Bastard." She cursed even louder and close the door hardly in front of his face. "I hate you, Jeon." And she shouted, he can hear her clearly make him die in a fit of laughter. She is so interesting.


Ding !

I huffed when heads of few people looking to my direction,  we had class, and my stupid phone should be ringing in the middle of the prof explanation. Great. I smile awkwardly before looking down at my bag, reaching for my cellphone and activated silent mode on.

I check for the message and instantly wanted to punch the sender on the face. It's not even an important thing to talk.

From : Jeon
The weather looks nice.
Let's have sex.

Since the day we made out, which is I regret the most, he never stop to pestering me. Assuring me to try something more mature to make our relationship looks more real in front of everyone. Every time I met him, I should hold up my temper, the need to punch him was more vivid than anything.

I know he seems liking the fact that everything he did pissed me, he likes when I cursed. I try to restrain my mouth but he really got under my skin with everything come out from that kissable lips. Damn it, I can't deny that he is an A++ kisser. I found myself starring at his lips when we gathering around, thanks to god he never caught me.

To : Jeon

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