4.4 Probably

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"Doll, please open the door." He said pleading watching the bathroom door locked from inside of the room.

He just woke up in the morning, imagining to see his doll recovered and fine. But instead of that he find no one. He was panicked when he realize that she is not by his side and his gaze meet the bathroom door when he heard the sound of the shower. She is inside there, locking the door and refused to go out.

"I am sorry, I really mean it. I promise I will never do that again. I really love you doll." But nothing changed. And he freaked out, its been an hour since he start to beg her to go out. He was thinking about the bad situation she could do so he decide to broke open the door. Its damn hard.



And third kick he make it, the door opened forcefully, wasting no time he walk fast into the room to find her girl  sat behind the shower, eyes open, and red. But she is not even flinching when he approaching her.

"Doll, what happen to you?" He asked and soaked with the water too. "What are you doing?" He asked again cupping her face. He sure she was crying. "What have I done?"

--That morning he bring Lisa to visit his doctor, he recommended him to bring her to psychiatrist

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That morning he bring Lisa to visit his doctor, he recommended him to bring her to psychiatrist. And he did. But she still as cold as ice. As emotionless as statue. He is afraid, he is afraid he lost her that way.

Because she never spoke, she never look at him, she always flinch when he was about to touch her.

Fortunately Jisoo was there, of course Yoongi send her to help. Because he doesnt want Jennie to hate Lisa even more after their fight. He wonder if what Yoongi said about brother-sister relationship between him and Lisa was real. Because he act more than that.

For the 3rd visits, Jisoo asking him to gave her time after he told her what had he done to her. And its been 2 weeks since his last interraction with her, and damn, she looks better now.

Still no smile like the first time he meet her, but she is fine. Alive. Speaking And always with Jisoo. No one knows the actual problem, even in their friend circle, Yoongi managing her condition as a secret between him, Jungkook, Jisoo, Namjoon and Jin.

So others only know that he and her are in a cold war.

"Kookie I am sorry." Someday Rosé said to him while he took lunch with her because the others has no class and Lisa was at the rooftop with Jisoo. He blinks trying to focus because he just day dreaming about his lovey dovy time with Lisa. And he looks at the red head who already broke into tears in front of him.

"What?" He only said that words because he doesn't know what's the matter. He is not even listening on what she said before. What's it all about again?

"This is about Lisa." She speaks hanging her head down low. He frowned. "I was so stupid. I never intend to make her hate you." He keep on silence, because he knows the reason behind Lisa's hatenes for him was only him. No Rosé.

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