4.3 Like Father

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"So you love kitten?" She startled once she heard the voice, taking her hand away from the tinny kitten which is lazily lying on her laps. The kitten just came when she waits for lunch break over. And she cant help to restrain its cuteness.

"Taeyong-ssi." She states and make the boy smirked. He sat in front of her, bending his body so he can kiss the kitten on her laps. Its hella uncomfortable. She doesn't know what other people will think about them if they see this scene.

"And you remember me." He spoke caressing the kitten and it surprisingly make the kitten snuggling to his hand. "His name is Leo."

"Is it yours?" She asked can't believe. He nods anyway and she cant stop looking at him with wide eyes makes him chuckled. He want to kiss that cheeks. "But you seems not the type who will have pet like this tiny kitten."

"I see how Jungkook affecting you with his judgmental issue." She frowned but acknowledging her self. He is true.

"Sorry." She weakly spoke and playing with Leo again. "Annyeong Leo, my name is Lisa." She then almost jump excitedly when Leo answer her words with a meow. "Gosh, you are so cute. What to do." She whined completely forgetting the fact that Taeyong was there to see her aegyo.

"I have another one in my house

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"I have another one in my house." She then look at him with her twinkle eyes and smiling. Anticipating. "The name is Luca. He is tinier than Leo."

"Oh really? You must have save a country in your last life." She commented and pouting looking at Leo. "I always want to have pet. But I am too lazy to raise them."

"Want to meet Luca next time?" She almost nodded when suddenly her eyes catch a glimpse of someone behind them so she looks away. She was right.


He was so silence when we walk to my dorm. We were planning to watch movie together but then he said it's not the right time to go to cinema he said that we will watch netflix at my dorm.

And I know that the netflix he said will be our fight. From the look in his eyes and the raging breath of him. I didn't cheat, anyway. So I keep on my silence too, since I am best at that. And I guess it makes him more pissed.

I was opening my dorm room, take a step hesitantly with him behind me. I place my shoes on the rack and almost had an heart attack when I heard loud slamming sound.

"That's just a fucking door, Jeon." I cursed out of my annoyed and he spats right in front of me when I look back at him. Pinning me to the wall, he looks like an angry bull.

"Right, you should be grateful thats its not you who I slam." He states and I no longer have patience in me.

"Whats wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? No. Its fucking you who I guess hit your head hard before you went to uni." He rolled his eyes and I hate it. I try to loosen up the grip of his hand on mind but he didn't budge, not even in a millimeter away.

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