2.18 Too many SORRY

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"What the hell." I cursed unconsciously when someone practically fall to the ground right in front of our table.

"The fuck." I heard Jennie unnie also cursed out loud and standing up mimicking my action along with Jisoo unnie and Rose. We were at the cafeteria, grabbing some snacks and soft drinks before we start another classes when it happen.

I look at the poor girl who look scared, hanging her head low to the ground. She might also praying for someone to buried her whole existence right there right now, because the cafeteria damn packed. And I can tell everyone attention now directing toward us, her and me and the son of the satan in front of me who looks so angry after throwing the girl to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing, Jeon?" I asked him but he only shrugged his shoulder and motioning his head toward the girl. "She is a girl, A-GIRL"

"Why don't you ask her, what was she made to make me forget that she is a girl." His dark voice also scared me somehow but I don't wanted to be controlled by him. He can't play me like he did to others. And not wasting another minutes I look at the girl, she looks so familiar. I wonder who she is.

"Speak!" I said shortly to her making her to look at me, still sitting on the cold floor with the stain of faded mascara on her cheeks. She is crying mess. But she speak nothing. "Speak and you will be less humiliated!" I stated and she hesitantly moving her trembling lips, but no words come out, poor her. "Come on."

"I am sorry." Her trembling and weak voice make my heart aches, what she did to make him do this to her. "I-" I am still waiting. Still waiting, debating with my own thought if she worth a help from me because I knew that the girl must did something bad. "I was the one who sent our video using Jungkook's phone." And its ringing the bell in my head. "I also initiated to record it."

Of course she looks familiar, she was the one he bang on the video. Another chick that he maybe not even remembered the name. I keep on silence as I saw her looking at the ground again, sobbing. I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do. I am not a kind woman, but my heart began weakened after what had happen toward Yuqi.

Sometime I think its maybe the karma for me, I used to bullying other students, playing with so many men and breaking so many hearts. I don't know that it will cost everything for me. I don't know.

 "Leave!" finally I said and its make her stunned. "Stand up and leave, before it's too late."


"Just like that?" I asked tailing her again after the scene we made at the cafeteria. I can't believe that she makes me doing dirty to a girl to explain about my condition for her to let that girl go. "Lisa, answer me!" I force her to look my way and stop her track in the middle of the hallway. I can see how red her face was.

Did I press the wrong button again?

"What do you want me to responding to all of this shit, Jeon?" she said frustrated but she clearly holding herself by exploding in front of people. "You want to explain everything, this way? By hurting someone, especially a girl and embarrassing her in front of so many people like that? Do you think I will be happy and telling you that you do a great job?"

Sure. I want you to responding like that. You make me crazy, Lisa. I don't know that I care this much about your thought of me about everything especially about woman. I don't want you to blame everything to a drunken me, I don't even remember the night with that girl. I only remember that I longing for your lips. And I never have enough guts to ask you, to touch you the way we did that time.

Should've know that you are toxic.

"You blame a girl, you two fuck each other and both of you enjoy it equally so what the hell, Jeon? You put her in the position as if everything was her mistake."

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