4.14 Mute

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D-14 before graduation

"Shit, I am gonna get out from this hell." Jungkook shouts as he circled Lisa's waist happily. Looking at his graduation card, he finally make it. All of them do.

"With that kind of GPA? And you said you will run your family's company kook?" Jennie mocked as she saw the boy smiling like an idiot. He nods anyway.

"Fuck off with GPA. Who will care." He proudly said, shamelessly make the boys chuckled and Lisa can do nothing but shook her head along with Jisoo and Jennie. "I am outta this hell. I am going to be free. Oh doll, I am free." He said again then pecking her cheeks make the girls saying their euwwww!  in unison.

"So where do you all will go? I wish its not too far that we can held meeting for once a month." Told Namjoon seriously, looking at his friends with a genuine smile.

"Suga hyung will take the offer to start to work under one music label. In Seoul. Here." Jimin pointed at Suga. "Jin hyung will be focusing on his hotel and restaurant,  family assets. Huh?" Jin put his thumbs up.

"Hoseok hyung and I, will work as a dancer. In one music label as Suga hyung." Jimin looks so excited. His eyes shining. "Taehyung will open his own collection, in fashion industry. And Jungkook will be this little brat CEO. I cant believe this." Lisa was listening so carefully. Try to imagining how successful all of them. Will always be together. Forever. She waited for Namjoon's turn but Jimin stop his sentences.

"What about Namjoon oppa?" Jimin look at her in disbelieve.

"Of course he will be me, suga and Hoseok' hyung boss." And Lisa could only widening her eyes, hand covering her open mouth. "Yes. A CEO too."

"Wow. Congratulation oppa. I am glad that-"

"Did your parents know your plan?" Jennie ask and it muted everyone. Including Lisa, who looks so tensed. She doesn't like anything that come out from Jennie's mouth. Because it will rather be a toxic or a joy killer things.

"Let say they will say yes."

"They wont."


"They want you to be their next successor, just like my mother want me to be like that too. They will set up our wedding few days after graduation-"

"Shit." Its Taehyung.

"And we will be forever buried alive. You liking it or not, they wont care. So-"

"How about your goal?" Her words was cut by Lisa. And everyone knows the tense is so thick. They stay silence.

"Paris." She said afterward. Sadly. "Fashion designer." She smiles and then snorted, feeling funny of her life. "The things that will never happen."


"Because that's what they want. That's what they set up for me. The parents. The elders."

"Then talk to them. You are not mute."


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