6.3 Thrice

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My hands been trembling after I red the last page of her diary, I was wrong.

"Mom, I think I'll stay longer." I speak to mother once whe end the dinner. She look up at me and smiling. Of course she is happy. This is what she want.

"But how about J?" I look up at mom now, biting my lips, thinking. And I have no option.

"He'll stay here with us."

"Its nice to see you." Greet some old face smiling at the glorious Jungkook and the great Miyeon which has her hand around his hand.

"Its nice to see you too, Mr. Kim." Greet Jungkook back at his prof. His ex prof. He used to be humiliated because of his nit really smart brain in front of other people and look who prof greet with smile widening. Its him. Jeon Jungkook.

"You two look good."

"Thank you, prof. You look healthier now." Miyeon said and smiling happily. And Jungkook see her smile, smiling back content.

"Can we excuse ourself?" Ask Jungkook and the prof nod.

He was searching for his friends. Since he arrived there was no trace of them. But when he look at the corner of the food table he smiles to see Rosé picking her food seriously with Jimin who's patiently holding the plate for her on his hand. They look good together. Its best for them to stop hooking up. Its best for her to be with her love one.

"Hyung." Said Jungkook and walking toward them, he can clearly feel his fiancé hesitant to follow him. But he ignore it. She needs to be friendly with his friends. His family.

"Wow. Jeon Jungkook." The short man smiling and put the plate while began to hug on him. "You grow taller."

"No. It just you who is shrinking- ouch Rosé." He complains when he feel heels on his shoe. Man this woman is dangerous.

"What are you talking again?" She threatening him and he gulp.

"Nothing. Just wanna ask where is the rest?" He look around to avoid death stare from Rosé.

"Jennie and Yoongi hyung and also Hoseok hyung who is third wheeling now right there." He pointed at the crowd where the friends of him talking. "Jin hyung and Jisoo there." He got prof to talk with him and Jisoo. "Namjoon was preparing for his opening speech and Tae said that he will be late."

"Oh." I said and then looking at where Rosé stare at. Its his fiancé. Its no new that they hate his choice. Even after 2 years. They cant do that. "How about we-"

"Fuck." Jimin cursed and looking the entrance where the crowd made and Jungkook deciding to see there to. And his heart just missing the beats. "Lisa."

"Of course you'll come with Tae." Yoongi approaching the girl who's standing holding her glass, and there are so many eyes watching her with curiosity. The things happen 4 years ago still fresh on their mind. They want more to know.

"What?" She asked and look at his face. Smiling. And he cant resist to smile and hug him. He missed her. So much.

"Nothing. Just welcome." He said caressing her hair and from there she can see how Jennie stare could kill her. "Where have you been?"

"I am back."



"You still cant forget about that?" He asked still feel disappoint that she is still hesitate to believe in him. In them.

"You still cant forget about me."

"Will never." He beams and she close her eyes to feel his warmness. This is the man who's willing to sacrifice for her sister. The man she should respect and protect from now on. "How's the life?"

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