4.1 Superman

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"Fucking god." He groans almost throwing the cell phone that lay on his night stand when it never stop vibrating. And then it stops. And so does him, back to his peaceful sleep. But not even a minute passed, the cell phone vibrated again make him cursed and holding her phone to put it on airplane mode.

"Who the hell call someone at 7 anyway." He grumble and then throw the phone back to its plate. Laying his body on the mattress he then start his stupid activity.

Tracing his hand on the bed while sniffing the bed cover like an actual dog while smiling non stop. His heart nearly explode as if something lapped his chest repeatedly, but in a good way. Its tickling and feel so good.

"It smells like her." He softly murmur smiling like an idiot. That's when the bathroom's door opened. Revealing his queen with a messy half wet hair, in a towel  white bathrobe, no make up, but she is still the prettiest woman he ever seen on this world. He smiles again, and she frowns.

"What's with the smile?" She asked and checking on her phone. Chuckled by his silly action. He only shaking his head and then hide his face on the bed cover. And he makes an egg roll with his body and the blanket.

"Jeon, you sure you okay?" She now laughing lightly with two hands on her hip.

"Hmm.." he did an aegyo while peeking from the blanket. Feel all giddy. "Geunyang..."


"We-" he smiles again and then covering his face again. "We just did it. We are united."

What the hell? She thought. She thinks it was so shameful that he act like an idiot just because they did it. She lost it last night. She cant control herself and she wanted to forget everything after washing herself. Rubbing the marks everywhere on her body wishing that it will help to erased them.

But somehow she felt something, it feels so right to feel him all over her body. She feel like the prettiest girl after she woke up finding herself engulfing by the giant body with a really sweet and cute smiling face of Jungkook. It cost everything.

But she can't keep that feeling. Because even though she explain whats her main intention to him, she is afraid that he will run away. That he will hate her and doesnt want her anymore. She knows that it will happen, but, she is still not ready.

And then the notification of messages from her pulling her from her deep thought, forcing her to frown when the name showed on the screen.

"It was so amazing." He is still speaking like a teenager girl who is meeting her idol for the first time. She want to mock him, but afraid to make him hurting.

"Of course, and you weren't wearing condom." She teased make his eyes widened.

"You know?" And then she laugh sarcastically.

"You think?"

"Sorry, its an accident. You know I never plan to fuck someone when I run to Japan. So..." she feels the warm feeling come from her chest to her stomach upon listening his explanation. "I called Jimin hyung after we.. you know." She blinks. "There is something beside the juice right there." He pointed at the nightstand.

"What is this?" She asked when she found two pills on the nightstand and warm water. She is not blind, nor stupid. She knew what exactly it is. Because she was always had it in her pocket back then when she was in thailand. She just want him to explain it to her?

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