6.8 Dandelion

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"Shit!" She shout whispering once she found Jennie was cooking in her kitchen, its not a dream. The one she had been talk last night was really her. She urge herself to dialing Jisoo's number.

"Hey, pretty."

"What had happen? I called you. Why Jennie unnie is here?"

"Oh, she was around there. So.."

"Are you crazy unnie? We are not in a good term."

"Really? Because she just call me last night after she told me that you live in one building with Jungkook, that the two of you already good."

"I was drunk."

"So the seduction toward Jungkook also come from the drunken Lalice Manoban?"

"What?" She scoff and had a handful of her bangs before grab it harshly. Frustrated. "No. Shit. Its not that bad right?"

"I don't think so, Jungkook was asking Jennie to take you right away. And guess what?" She was waiting for the next words from her unnie, praying that it wont be too much. "He had a fucking boner."

"Sit." I said when she come from her room, I know that she call Jisoo unnie, I can hear everything clearly because of her high note. "I made you hang over soup."

"Thanks." She said whispering weakly. "Sorry for bothering you last night." I just wave my hand and continue to look at how she eat.

"I was around. And you need help." She nods and I had the urge to tease her since I just learn that she spats last night because of the alcohol. "Jungkook need help."

And I was about to laugh when she put her spoon on the bowl after I mention it.

"I didn't say something stupid last night right?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Fuck." I giggle when she slap herself. So cute.

"Jungkook was aroused." I state and she face palming herself. "So do you." She scratch her scalp out of embarrassment. "I bet you two would fuck each other if I didn't show up."

"Yeah. Thanks to you."

From : Kim N.J
Lis, our project video we shoot another day, we upload it today.
Just in case you don't know yet.

I was rushed to my laptop, turn it on and went to the exact web and click the video. I frown. Is this enough?

We need dancers, and Namjoon oppa come out with an idea to open recruitment for a training. An academy. X academy. I don't know about the detail I just say yes, because Yoongi oppa say that its good and I simply lazy to read the portfolio until I realize who was contributing with us.

Jeon Inc.

He never came to the meeting, he send someone else and it makes Namjoon oppa giving me a question look. He fucking knew everything.

"I just know that you are amazing." Say Jimin oppa disturbing my thought after I watch my own video.

"If this is about the video, I think I still could do better if only Jungkook wasn't there watching all the process." I murmured making him and Rosé who chuckling together.

"Not that one. But you are so good in there too."

"Then what are you talking about?" I furrowing my brows when suddenly I felt something cold dampening my hair and the front of my shirt. "Shit."

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