3.6 Sister

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"What about my sister?" She asked while looking away. Everytime someone mention about Yuqi, her heart will be shattered all over again. Bleeding again. Her eyes will felt so hot and something inside her chest will force her to be exploded.

"You know. Miyeon told me about your sister's death anniversary." He said now playing with her fingers, not looking at her eyes because he knows that soon she will tear up. He doesn't like to imagining her to cry. "I am sorry I wasn't there with you, for you."

Its so relieved you werent with me. If you did, I won't hesitate to stab you right on your heart so you will feel the pain like mine. You were the one who caused all of what had happened. You are the reason why I lost her.

She thought but keep her face emotionless. She wanted to laugh at how he looks so naive and sad. He is not even sorry for her death because of him, he is only sorry for can't be there with her. He is so funny.

"I am fine." She said calmly but her voice cracked a bit making her to clear her throat and took her hand back from his. "I am sorry Jeon, I am so tired."

She hurriedly stand up and walk away, Jungkook tailing her with no sound, he knows that she need time but he wanted to be there with her. He doesn't know if she had class or not, because he has. But upon tailing Lisa, he realized that the girl wanted to back to the dorm.

She open the door and about to close it when she realized that Jungkook was on her behind.

"Jeon, please leave me alone. Just for this time." She pleaded but Jungkook shakes his head and push the door that she hold and stepped inside.

"No, I won't leave you alone. I know you need me." He said open up his both arms to hug her but she refused it. Walking backward she shakes her head.

"I am fine."

"Sure you are. Let me hug-" and then Jungkook half jumping hugging her. "-you."

"You will not understand." She said try to push his body but he is not even budge. Instead he grab her two arms and force her to circled her neck.

"Hug me. I miss you, doll."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too."

--"She was an innocent girl when the first time I met her

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"She was an innocent girl when the first time I met her. But a bit silly. I thought that I will hate whoever that will be my step sister because her father will steal my mother from me." She paused while laying on the bed. On her underwear. With a messy hair and topless Jungkook who hug her. He always watching how her expression will change from sad to happy in no time.

"We only live together around 2 years and meet up during summer break. But I feel like already know her for all of my life time. I love her so much." She smiles and its blinding him. He loves her, more.

"She was and obedient, and smart, and stupid girl. She is so boring with all of boring thing. She is what every parents want. She is perfect. But she is gone now." She said, almost losing it but then cut the atmosphere with a plot twist.

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