2.19 Red

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Tens messages and another tens of missed calls filling my phone that I refused to received since the day I walked away from the bet. I've sent the money back but it keep coming back again. Not only him, his friends also trying to contact me, try to talk with me. Like I want to have another dramatic life. I've got enough.

"Lisa!" I hesitate at first when someone calling my name from the crowded street of Gangnam city. Mom, beside me stop her step forcing me to do the same thing and looking back to find the death of me, Jungkook's mother. She looks older than the first time I met her, she painted her smile but I know that something disturbing her thought.

"Oh my god, I thought I will never see you again." She said and bombarding me with hug, tight hug. I am speechless while looking at my mother who's eyeing us, confused.

"It's so nice to see you too, auntie Jeon." I beam while caressing her back, then she look me in the eye broke the hug.

"I am sorry." No, don't. "I don't know again what should I do to change Jungkook. He was a good kid, I had no idea why did he become like this." She told me holding my hand even tighter than her hug. I was about to make a good come back for her words until my mother clearing her throat taking our attention.

"Eum.. auntie Jeon, this is my mother." I finally said taking my mom's hand and drag her closer to me. They smile at each other, bowing to each other, and then they both look at me after I introduce her.

"Mom, this is auntie Jeon. My friend's mother."  I said.


"Is this the best you can do?" she said after minutes of silence when she saw him, in front of her next class make the line behind her to entering the class. The auburn hair boy look desperately guilty and trying his best to not saying his comeback because he needs her, he needs her help. He knows that the day of separation of them will be coming, but it's surely not today.

"I won't stop apologizing to you." He said sternly holding the door make the two of them trapped inside the classroom, while the other student watching them from outside. "I will repeat it everyday until you forgive me."

"And you do sure know that I won't stop to walk passing you, because I had enough now." She spat. "And stop sending the money back to me."

"I need your help, don't you understand it?" frustration look so bold in him, he is tired to hire someone new, he is tired to be scolded by his parents too. They are liking Lisa, knowing the deal with his sex tape his parents blocked every single credit card of him because they feel so bad for Lisa and he swear to himself that he will make lisa his property soon.

"Oh, right." She put her each hand on her hip looking at him smugly. "I also need your help Jungkook."

"Then we can help each other, like win win solution for our problem, right?" his smile start blooming on his kissable lips and she swear that is her first time to realize that little cute mole under his bottom lips, it's so alluring.

Oh stop, you bitch.

She swore to herself.

Collecting herself together then she show him her smirk, making he feels uneasy. She looks more like evil rather than a saint like he used to know her.

"How about you help me first?" she spoke lightly raising her brows challenging him, he feel something wrong but he willingly give it a try.

"Yeah, tell me. I will help you."

"I want to get rid of you."


"The party look crazy." She said looking around the club with blasting music surrounding her, the man beside her chuckled and nodded holding his beer to cheer with her, of course it's coke on her hand.

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