2.10 Fake

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"Pack your lunch box." She almost chocked on her sandwich when suddenly Jungkook came and drag her forcing her to stand up. She was eating her late lunch with Jisoo, Jennie and Rose at the garden in front of the library. Without even giving Lisa the time to at least wave toward her friends, bag on his shoulder he drag her walking pass the corridor of the university.

"What are you doing, Jeon Jungkook?" she said still confused and the said boy only walk and walk until they reach the parking lot. Almost throwing her on the passenger seat, she entered his car.

"We have no time to argue, dinner will be in 3 hours." He said entering the driver seat and clicking his seat belt.

"Dinner?" she asked while he hurriedly clicking her seatbelt too making her hitches when his breath sweep her neck.

"Mom and dad inviting us to have dinner together." He sang and starting the engine. Lisa widening her eyes and trying to eat the information slowly.

"What? No.. no.. let me go." She said then when they are meters away make the boy huffed.

"I won't, and what's the deal thought, it's only eating dinner with my parents."

"That's exactly the main problem." She complain. "I can act in front of your friends, but not with parents."

"Oh, believe me. We have no choice, Doll. They will set me up with someone else if I go alone." He explain while driving with his frustrated face.

"That's your problem. Now let me go, let me walk, Jeon." She shouted.

"Fucking no, doll. What should I do to make you agree to go with me just this time? Me to kneel down again? I will do it." But she could only snorted. "Or you want some money? Tell me how much, please Lis. Help me."

"Stop this car or I will jump." She said still stubborn. But he chuckled not believing her treat. Not after he heard the click sounds from the car door which is make him pressing the break with his foot, immediately making her head to hit the dash board.

"Jeon Jungkook, you want to kill me?" she hissed.

"You are the one who try to kill yourself, Doll." She looks at him in disbelieve and gritted her teeth, opening the car door and walk away. He saw her walk away without glancing back. He should press his ego for once. Messing with his own hair he then hang his body between the car door.

"Urgh... Lisa come back here." He said but she is not even flinching. "Doll." He shout again but she is not responding again. You test me? He said to himself. "You know what doll? I will invite random chick and probably will fuck them tonight."

"Yeah, fuck you." She responded without seeing at his direction, raising her middle finger up.



"Thanks." I muttered toward Namjoon after 20 long minutes walking in the middle of nowhere. Namjoon said that he drove back from the university and meet her.

"No prob. But what are you doing walking alone like that? It's not safe Lisa." He said still focusing on the road, and I smile at his concern thought. As expected wise man.

"Jeon Jungkook, drag me away from my friends."

"And leave you in the middle of nowhere?" I can see he rise his brows at me, wondering.

"He ask me to have dinner with his parents." I said simply then he chuckled. "I refused of course."

"But why Lisa? I mean, shouldn't you feel happy that he will introduce you to his parents?" he genuinely said, but nah. He won't understand what kind of relationship we had.

"We are only in a month of relationship. I also doubted him, like you see, he is the beauty and I am the beast." My words make him laugh and hit the steering wheel hilariously. "What's so funny?" I asked innocently.

"You know, maybe if you willing to attend it will change him a bit." He is not you, he is not nice.

"Someone like him would never know what is sacrifice and chance means."

"But you know, how his parents press him." He said hesitantly looking at my direction.

"I know." I confirm. "But it doesn't mean I should jump into his problem just like that. He is a fuck boy full of himself."

"Hey, he is a good man too."

"Yeah, once in awhile." I nodded agree, for once in a year I mean.

"Look, Lis. I don't know how far he told you about his parents, but the egoistic and narcissistic Jungkook would be a little kitten in front of his parents." Can he? "He doesn't like the idea of the set up marriage but he can't even bring himself to said no."

"But what if it was his chance to change to be a good husband." I said still looking at Namjoon side.

"Or the other way." He said calmly but his words hit me. Yeah,how if it hurts him. He could be a good husband and good daddy for his family if he find someone good for him. But what if, what if the parents set him up with someone cunning like what Jungkook always think? Would he survived?

Would his bunny smile could be show off again? Or he will only break his parents and his own hearts?

"He is really a good boy, Lisa." I can see how he loves his dongsaeng. The look in his eyes show me that thing. He is a good man with a mature thought, it so disappointing that he should be in one social circle with others. He is so mature but why can't he change others thought? Why can't he teach them, confronting them?

"I know what is like to be paired with someone who we don't like." He said after that, and I look at him in total shock. Don't tell me. "And it's not a pleasure feeling."


"So how about your college, Jungkook." And this is how we start the dinner. Always asking about my college thing. What they wanted me to do, to reach? I am a hopeless case, as always. And they are asking me always won't ever change the fact.

"Good, dad." I am humming not really sure but mom look at me and smile.

"Good job, son." Yeah mom, thanks to trust me this much.

"So, you already in your 21." Fuck. I nodded. "Time never wait Jungkook. Didn't I asked you about good news you should gave me tonight?"he asked.

Months ago, he said that he wanted the heir already. Want me to settle down as fast as possible because he doesn't feel good, his doctor said that his liver could kill him anytime. I didn't like it either, but that damn news make me should lower my head down, introduce them toward someone I like or let them set everything for me, with stranger. A rich spoiled Barbie doll who could always talk about how handsome I am, how many assets my family had, it pissed me.

"I..." I hesitantly answered, what should I say? Fuck you,Lisa. If it's not because of an important people who I will face I will pick random girl and introduce them toward my parents but no, I won't risk myself,that maybe that one will agreeing the marriage thing and make me trapped in a real jail.  With Lisa I could see how she hates me, she disowning me when she red handed me fucking other girl, he want nothing from me.

If I should settle down, Lisa would be the first option I would take.

"Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon." I almost jumped from my seat when a maid confronting our dinner with an apologetic look, oh thank Mrs. Han,I said to myself.

"Yes?" asked my dad, I could see how he hates the fact that someone cut our talk.

"Someone is outside, she said she need to meet young master." Me? Who?

"You bring someone with you, Jungkook?" dad asked me, and I could only stare at him with my doe eyes. Confused as contained as him. "Let her in." my dad said not even wait for my response. Who is that? After 20 seconds I could hear Mrs. Han talking and stop behind me. My dad and mom's eyes almost popped up and the warm smile on my mom face lit up immediately, her eyes sparkling as if she won something.

Hesitantly I look at my back only to find my savior. Wrap with a simple black dress which is stop on her knees, smile plastered on her face while she bowed.

"I am sorry, I am late Mr. and Mrs. Jeon."

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