5.7 Away

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I was there stunned, looking at my friends with their parents. And they try their best to smile back at their parents. Even thought their heart was broken.

I just know it.

No one survive after Lisa cut our ties.

Not even me can.

"Kookie, Yoongi hyung was supposed to be the one who will stand in front giving the standing speech as the best alumnus. But he gave in." My mind should be cut by Jimin's word from my side.

If only there will be someone that can smile brightly it was Jimin hyung. I envy at him.

"He is not even come." My eyes widened at his words. I don't even know that Yoongi hyung didn't come.

"Where is he now?" I ask absolutely burdened. I know that I am hurtled, everyone was worried and always asking about my condition.

Maybe they were afraid I will take cyanide or simply jump from roof top. But I cant be reckless, as angry as I am, I was worried at Yoongi hyung even more.

He just come back to his old self. So cold and distance. No one can approaching him, not even Jin hyung. Sleep every time and do nothing but keep quiet. He hold all his emotion inside of him. Alone.

Well, I wasn't like him. I am crying when I need to. I punch something or someone sometime at club. Oh and I even drunk every time I went to the club. And I regret to get drunk every night.

No. I am not taking stranger on my bed anymore.

It just, I called her for god sake knows how many times. And I am offended. But I feel lighter that I have a way to release a bit of my emotion. I cant exploding. And she never call back anyway, or not even answer the call.

Right there when Jimin hyung was about to answer my question the speech started and we should be quiet, at least you want to be an attention seeker. But I still look around, to find her at her faculty row. But she is not there yet, isn't she late?

Minutes by minutes passed and it feels like hell to looking at her seat shamelessly while her friends start to whispering after they watch me.

They said I am a desperate dog, now.
I don't care.

Her number was 27. And its 25 now.

"26. Im Jinah, Daegu, graduated with honor." Another claps can be heard. But I still watching her seat.

"27." I hold my breath. "Lalisa Manoban, Thailand, graduated with honor." But she is not in her yet. "Abstain."

"19. Jeon Jungkook, Busan, graduated." And everyone cheers up while Jimin hyung telling me to walk make me stumble a little. I graduate, this is my dream, to end this hell, but I am not happy.

I want to be graduated.
Just not this way.
Not without her by my side.

"Mom. Stop sulking." He said weakly when they gathered to have their own celebration at one of the most famous restaurant around the uni.

"She is not coming. Why didn't she? You weren't telling me. I was preparing for her graduation gift." His mom almost tearing up while playing with her beautiful finger. "Is she alright? Was she sick? I am so worried. Can you call her Kookie?"

He huffed. If only he can. But since last night her number was out of area. Did she block him?

"She-" he was about to talk when suddenly Yoongi come inside the restaurant to see his parent. He left graduation ceremony without telling his parent apparently.

"Hi, uncle, auntie." He bowed and take a seat in front of Jungkook, beside his father who look at him with cold stare.

"Where have you been?" His mom questioned.

"Sending a friend." He answered lightly. "Sorry I am late." Everyone nods.

"That's good of you to choose your friend more than your own business." His father just spitting toxic and he seems dislike the way his father make the situation awkward.

"I have none but my friend."


"Not even you." He then hissed and standing up make everyone flinching uncomfortably. "I told you to not come if you only will ruin our mood. You tell me you will disowning me if I didn't choose to be employed in a good office, holding paper and come home late."

"Yoong." Jin said softly. But he doesn't buy it.

"Disowning me please, I'll follow my dream. Not yours." He motion to leave but before he can go even further he look back to see Jungkook' mother.

"Auntie Jeon." There is a pause and he seems thinking so hard about to telling her or not. "My friend say sorry cant meet you. She had to go."

And then he left.

"Where is she?" Ask Jungkook once he reach the seat that Yoongi sat on, they were at the prom. Bring no-one with them because their love one already leave.


"Your friend." Jungkook said and took a seat beside him. Gulping his drink and look at his hyung eyes.

"Away. She is away."


"I don't know."

"Hyung, please. I just want to know." Plea Jungkook but Yoongi doesn't know exactly where she is.

"Like I said I don't know." He softly mumbled and chuckled. "She told me to move on. She ask me to told you to forget." He then slamming his glass on the table harshly.

"How can I do that?"

--Why it should to be her?

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Why it should to be her?


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