6.7 Drunk

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"Hand off!" Said someone from her behind when she was dancing on the floor with a stranger that she met minutes ago, drunk and god knows how intense the man take their dance to another level.

"Man, what's your problem?" Asked the man annoyed while yanking another man's hand from his hand.

"Don't touch what cant you have." Hissed him and take the woman's wrist before dragging her.

"Let go. What do you want? Who are you?" She keeps on blabbering until he tossed her into the passenger seat of his car and get into the driver seat, annoyingly helping her to fastened her seat belt. "Oh Jeon." She was grinning like a little child, and aside of that view, the way she call him make his stomach crunching. And bless her, his crotch tightened as well.

"Yeah, its me. So tell me now where do you live, I'll send you there." He said calmly, trying to not stuttering despite of how red his face right now. He starts the engine and begin to drive.

"Hannam the Hill." She said and begin to mumbling some random songs make him shrugging his thought away. She wont tell him the truth, she only need to find a room to sleep, and even if its mean his apartment, he will let her in.

It doesn't count as cheating. He thought.

He drive while calming himself, calming the boner she gave by calling him like that. Jeon. Its been awhile. Few minutes later they arrived at the building and he helps her to walk, and without asking bringing her entering his unit.

She smirk when he take him to the guest room.

"Is this your room?" She asked innocently make him nervous watching her eyes.

"No. This is guest room. I'll be across this room. If you need something just call me, bathroom right there, and I'll be back with warm water and hopefully I have something to eat." Said him after put her to sit on the bed, he scratch the back of his neck confuse of what to say or to do. "Eumm... I am going out." And he left to the kitchen. Checking the refrigerator, he has nothing but egg.

He should do groceries, later.

He grab the egg and turn on the fire and begin to make egg roll. Preparing warm water for her drink and walk upstairs to find no-one inside guest room. He checks in the bathroom, no-one.

Where is she?

"Lisa!" No-one answer. He walk back to the outside and something catch his attention his room's door. Wide open.

She is there. What she do there?

He walks to the room to find her watching the big frame of photo on the wall. He walk in and put the tray of the food on the table beside the sofa and walking to her side. She seems calm.

"Ugly." She commented and I widening my eyes listening on her word. How dare she. "I am more beautiful. Right, Jeon?" He stay still not believing the audacity of her. "And hotter. And sexier. I made you cum first, can she?"

"Lis." I call her after her words getting even more dirty. "You are drunk."

"No I am not." She commented and look at me. Intently.

"What?" I walk back when she walk to me. She smirk.

"You are so handsome. Even more handsome than before. God, look at that jaw." She said and its a bullshit if I am not proud, and aroused. "I wonder what you hide under that shirt." She then pointed at my attire make me gulping.

"You are drunk."

"I am horny." My heart fall to the ground. "Lets had sex."


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