2.3 Apologize

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"What is this?" She ask when she saw someone standing in front of the door holding pink roses covering his face. Someone knocked her door at 7 p.m, to meet this kind of joke. Is it april fool already?

"Flower. Are you blind?" Said the man while uncovering his face, handed the flower toward Lisa. Jungkook.

"What for?" She asked curious while he frown.

"Apologizing, for my judge mental issue."  He scratches his nape because it felt awkward.

"You don't need to-"

"Just take it, Rosé and others scold me and tell me to do this all. So..."

"So?" She asked back still standing on her door step, not even inviting Jungkook to come in.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked still remaining his flat facial expression. Brat. She doesn't want this all, she never mind of other people judgement about her, but to see how egoistic he is in front of her eyes wanted to screw the hell out of him.

She knew that Jungkook will have everything easily, just pointing his finger and it will be there in minutes. Everyone spoiling him too much, for once she wanted to see him lowering his dignity. Well, her mom said never waste the opportunity as long as its available for you.

Crossing her hands like a boss, smirk painted on her face then she talked.

"Do you think I am that easy to forgive you?" She ask and he could only snort smirking back at her.

"Just tell me what you want already." He said wanting to end this moment of shame.

"Kneel down!"

She said pointing to the floor in front of her. There is no one around them, but she is not sure that Jungkook would agree. He look at her in disbelieve and ready to protest before she talked again.

"Or go away dreaming about my apologize that your Rosé wanted you to get from me."

"Heol. You know how to play this game." He said shortly and after that half heart kneeling down in front of her who look at him in gratify.

"Good boy."

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