7.0 Move In

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7th chapter.
Just so you know, it will be the last chapter. The 7th series.

"Good evening, mom, dad, uncle, auntie." He bows politely as he entering his family house to find they already sat at the dinning room. "I am sorry I am late." He said and then motioning to hug his mom.

"Its okay, son." Mr. Cho smiling brightly. "You are just too busy with so many projects. I've heard so many projects that you collaborate with my old fellow." Jungkook smile afterward and sat beside his mother, and her.

"Mr. Shin, please." Said Mrs. Jeon asking the servant to serve Jungkook's dinner.

"Thank you, nanny." He beams and eat with others. They already finish in half hour when the elders decide to talk about the main topic.


"So son, I've heard about something from Miyeon. Is it alright or she just misunderstanding what you said?" Ask Mr. Cho calmly but he cant hide those nervousness. Jungkook look at him, confident.

"About me want to end the wedding plan?" Ask Jungkook and he look at his mom. "Its true uncle. I am sorry."

"Why, son?"


"Because he likes someone who doesn't love him back." Miyeon cut his words and spilling the tea. No. Lisa loves him. "She left once, she hates me, its not because she loves him, its because she hates me that she tries to break our relationship."

"Its not like what you think." Said Jungkook but Miyeon wont let him say anything.

"Jungkook impregnant her younger sister and she came to take revenge."

Gasp was loud enough for Jungkook to look at his mother and father. They look at him in disbelieve.

"He doesn't want the baby of his and the girl take suicide that's why those woman wont let Jungkook happy."

"Is it true Jeon Jungkook?" Mrs. Jeon ask while she has tears flowing from her eyes right now. Jungkook cant say anything, its true. "Jeon Jungkook are you deaf?"

"Honey, calm down." Said Mr. Jeon while touching Mrs. Jeon' shoulder.

"How can I? I never teach him to be an asshole. How dare you hurt people to the point she take suicide."

"Mom, I am sorry." He said while trying to take his mom's hand but she refused.

"You wont be with that woman." Declare his mother. "You will only hurt her. You'll only remind her for her sister. Do you think she can forgive you easily? No. Miyeon is right, she will never stop."

"No. Mom. How can you be so sure?"

"Because that's what I will do if I were her." His mother' words was like a thunder which is slapping him on the face. "You'll still marrying Miyeon." She states full of finality. "Its been 2 years, who knows what filthy things you had done to her too."

"I never touch her inappropriately." He said and look at Miyeon for her to help him.

And he was wrong.

"He took my virginity when we were young."

"What?" Now, Mrs. Cho who's shouting, shocked.

"And I don't want to end the wedding plan." She states with finality. "I want to marry you."

"But what if I don't want to?" He challenging him but his father was fast enough to come and slap him on the face. His ear was ringing and could taste the stings texture of blood from his lip. He smile, sadly.

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