3.13 Jen

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"R.I.P lizkook." Those bitch. They will never stop to disturb me, mocking me, won't they?

It start 3 weeks ago, 3 days after our intercourse. He really never come to see me. Not even texting me. Not even come to our friends circle gathering, not even to the cafeteria.

Where is he?

"Finally, he realized how useless that little bitch is." One of them talking with a high note tone like a mice.

"I bet he already took her virginity, that's why. Poor that saint." I close my eyes, holding my palm tightly on my jeans. You should be strong, Lily.

"And guess what so funny?" She stand up quickly even before the girl success to say her words. They are all startled and clearly feel scared by the emotionless Lisa. She rarely show her emotion, but when she does, they know they fucked up.

Taking all of her belongings she finally walking out from her class, she will ditch this one for this world peace. She doesnt know till when she could restrain all of the feeling inside of her to not exploded.

It's hard for her, he leave her. He destroy her when she was the one to plan to do that to him.

"This is what I am afraid of." I look at my right and found Miyeon calmly walking with me. Urgh, not her too. "This is what you should face if you don't listen to me."

"This is not over yet." I hissed and clenched my fist even tighter.

"Oh really? Well. You can text me if you are in the feeling to do the drama, while I will prepare my popcorn." She mocked and beat me lightly on my shoulder before we separate our way at the intersection.

I can't believe this.


I look at my pocket and took out my phone.

1 messages received
From : Kim Seok J
Tonight. At 7pm.
You should come, Lis.

"22 days without Jungkook. And great, it looks everything settle calmly. Doesn't it." Jennie said sarcastically while eyeing Lisa who's just arrived and try to take a bite of her beef steak. And she stop her hand and her fork midway, suddenly feel bitter.

"Jen, eat!" Yoongi warns Jennie and put orange juice on Lisa's side. "Don't listen to her."

"Why did you always been on her side, Yoongs?" She asked disbelievingly, putting her fork and sat correctly ready to fight. "You make me think of a bad thing."

"Enough, Jen."

"No, Namjoon oppa. It's not enough. She makes Jungkook stay away from us. If only she never come, I bet Jungkook will still be with us. She is not even our friend in the first place. She is only Jungkook's toy."

"Jennie unnie." Call Rosé softly wanting to calming the older one by grabbing her hand. Shaking her head. But Jennie is a stubborn bitch.

"What Rosé? Not you too. She took your only shelter. She took Jungkook from you. Dont you think its all her fault that Jungkook left without news."

"We know where he is. Don't overreact Jen." Spat Jisoo and holding Lisa's hand. The said girl only look at her plate blankly. Being scolded in front of so many people is not her favourite.

"What did you do to make him goes cold again, huh?"

"Jennie, for fuck sake."

"Do you know how he goes weak because of his feeling for you? Everyone will exchange their everything to make him smile to them and here you are."


"How high you see yourself so you let yourself to hurt him. What did you do now? Are you two timing him? Because damn it, I will make you disappear from this world and would make it looks like an accident."

"Jen, get out. Take her with you, Yoongs!" Command Jin but the said man looking his hyung confused.

"Why me?"

"Yeah, why Yoongi? He is not interested in me. He only put his interest on Lisa."

"Cry!" He said melting the atmosphere and it makes me startled. I was deep in my thought thinking about what Jennie said. Is it true?

"Huh?" I ask absentmindedly and it makes him sigh.

"Cry it out, I am not gonna judge." He said. "But one thing, don't think too much about Jennie. She probably stressed because of what happened with  us, and her family."

"Her family?"

"Don't talk to anyone even if you want to, okay?" She nodded. "You know the talk about me and my arranged marriage?" She nodded again. "She is that girl." What? "My fiancè, its her. And its getting complicated because she likes Yoongi."


"I know. I know. I do want to freeing her but guess the power of our family and parents are unbeatable."

"Do you like her, oppa?" She asked while looking at him, smiling sadly, how this world so complicated.

"So much." He answered smiling brightly looking to the front, and then that smiles faded away a little. "This is hard, but this is how life work." She nodded agreeing. "Sometimes, god likes to joke around."

"I have something to confessed oppa and I wish you can understand my condition." She said biting her lips, looking at her lap.

"He is in Japan." He cuts her, don't want to make her feel to be forced to talk about her relationship. "Give him time. He loves you."

"Who are you?" She startled when someone come up behind her. Yoongi. Hell no.


"Who are you and what's your relationship with Cho Miyeon?" He shouts and she flinch. You'll be dead, lisa.

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