2.6 Rose

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"It's her." Someone whispering behind her back when she was in the class, ready to go.

"I guess it's not a rumor since Jungkook sent her this morning." another voice said, she hates it. Rumor, and talking behind her back. Can't they ask her face to face, she won't mind to answer all of their curiosity. But reminding the money which is sent to her bank account 2 days ago make her should pay it with her patient. Shutting her mouth.

Yeah, everyone was shocked, that she, the virgin mary who they always make fun of, dating that famous Jeon Jungkook. Of course, it's in another level since she only allowed Jungkook to stand, walk and breath beside her. No hugging, no kissing and no touching. Even Rose herself widened her eyes when Jungkook announced Lisa and Jungkook relationship on his birthday party, right 30 minutes after their deal inside Jin's bedroom.

"So you are the same,so easy."

That was the word that Rose told her, but she shrugged it off. It's a fake relationship anyway. Even thought she feel bad toward Rose but Jungkook said that they are only friend right? That's Jungkook fault if Rose got hurt, not her.

"I bet they won't last in a month, maximum." they are laughing and then passing her seat, out from the class.

"Let's see." Lisa whispered to herself smirking. Too bad, it will last 3 months.


"I heard that." I heard Miyeon said when I was about to leave library, I raise my brows. "You and that famous fuck boy."

"Oh." I responded and leaning my body on the table back, put the book back on it.

"I wish I could make you understand, Lily." Miyeon look so angry and not even agree of what happened. I smile at her, knowing how she loves Yuqi as much as I do. Yeah, she is Yuqi's only true friend, she recommended me into this university only to show me how my sister's killer living. Healthy and happy. Damn her.

"Believe me, Miyeon." I reach her hand and caressed it softly. Want to earn her belief. She bit her lips not sure.

"That's what Yuqi said to me." She spoke softly. "No one can change the demon, even not an angel like Yuqi and you." And I could only chuckled, bobbing my head in euphoria leaning my head to my chair while Miyeon look at me confused.

"Since the day one, Miyeon-ah, the only angel in here was Yuqi."


"Don't fall."

She said with a playful smirk on her face, and I can't read her, she is not even showing me her lust when I touch her here and there. Only slapped on my hand or my bicep every time I tried to destroy the wall of saint that she built, so strong.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, it would be painful."

Never, never in my life I feel so scared when someone warn me. But why I feel like it's so different? I wonder why? Beside, I never fall. Of course I can feel little warm feeling once or twice, but that's all just a fling. The next day, watching new slut throw herself on me I would erase everything in my heart. Because no one honestly want me, my heart. It's only about this fucking face and this fucking muscle.

"I hate clubbing." I chuckled when I realized that my fake girlfriend whining over the place again and again since 7 p.m beside me.

"You should try to used to it, baby. Because I like clubbing." I said facing her from my chair and gulping my vodka while she only asked for Coke. Saint. Look, I will change you. I said to my self, I want to see how wild she could be when her devil popped out. I wanted to eat all of her, swallowing her whole, destroying her ego. She got under my skin every time.

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